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  • RE: CF83 Application with a Temporary NINO?

    When the individual receives their National Insurance Number then they should write to us with details of their periods of employment in the UK – such as name and address of the employers and the period of each employment.  We will then be able to try to trace any missing National Insurance contributions.  If they could find any of their payslips or P60s for that period then that would be helpful.
    Thank you.
  • RE: NI class 3 payment update times

    Hi Gary,
    If you call our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 2037010 (from overseas), they will be able to arrange for your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions to be allocated correctly.  
    Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Maximum Savings Interest before I need to pay tax

    Hi 2005WL mearns,
    Yes your wife would be entitled to the starting rate for savings and personal saving allowance.
    Details online at Tax on savings interest.
    A Self Assessment would be due if the untaxed savings interest was more than £10,000.
    You can check if you meet Self Assessment criteria at Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
    Thank you.
  • RE: conflicting advice regarding which class voluntary contributions to pay

    Hi Alan b,
    As a Landlord, you do not meet the criteria to pay Voluntary Class 2 National Insurance contributions.
    Please contact the Future Pension Centre on 0800 731 0175 and they will advise you on the number of years you need to pay for a full State Pension, once you have this information you can contact HMRC National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 who will provide you with an 18-digit reference number and the bank details to pay Voluntary Class 3 National Insurance contributions.
    If you still think you should be paying Class 2 National Insurance contributions as Self-employed, please call the National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 and they can take further information which will be used to make an informed decision on your status.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Help

    Hi Ruthyb,
    If you are registered for class 2 for the gap you have left between March and April you may be able to voluntary pay off the gap at the class 2 rate which will help with your ESA claim next year. However for us to have a further look into your situation and the gap that has been formed please contact our Helpline or webchat service.
    Please find the details below:
    National Insurance Enquiries helpline
    Number: 0300 200 3500
    Text Relay: 18001 0300 200 3500 (Text Relay)
    Overseas: +44 191 203 7010
    Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
    Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
    Web Address
    Thank you.
  • RE: CF83 status COMPLETED - What next?

    Hi Britcanada,
    If you are trying to make a voluntary payment for tax years you were living and/or working outside the UK and are paying from an abroad bank account, you can’t be on the GOV.UK website you must pay through your bank. Please use the details below:
    Overseas payments
    Use the following details to make a payment if your account is overseas:
    •    Bank Identifier Code (BIC) - BARCGB22
    •    account number (IBAN) - GB49BARC20204830944793
    •    account name - HMRC NIC Receipts
    Overseas payment reference
    Use your National Insurance number followed by ‘IC’, your surname then your initial. If your bank limits you to a certain amount of characters, you should use your National Insurance number followed by ‘IC’ and as much of your surname as possible.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Class 2 Voluntary Contributions Payment has Gone to Current Year not Filled Previous Gaps

    Hi enyaps1,
    The timescale for a payment to be allocated/reallocated all depends on which class of payment has been paid and if the payment requires urgent action. Please call our customer service helpline so we can give you a more precise answer. Please find the contact details below.
    National Insurance Enquiries helpline
    Number: 0300 200 3500
    Text Relay: 18001 0300 200 3500 (Text Relay)
    Overseas +44 191 203 7010
    Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
    Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
    Web Address
    Thank you.
  • RE: Asked to pay Class 3 voluntary contributions when colleagues in same situation pay Class 2

    Hi A Oram,
    If you are employed or self-employed overseas and were normally employed or self-employed in the UK before your departure then you may be able to pay at the voluntary class 2 National Insurance rate.  As you have advised that our International Team have accepted your application at the voluntary class 3 rate then may I ask that you write in and ask them to review their decision.  You could reconfirm your employment position in your letter.  
    Our postal address is:-
    HM Revenue & Customs
    PT Operations North East England
    BX9 1AN
    United Kingdom
    Thank you.
  • RE: National Insurance Contribution Incorrect In Shortfall and Class in Dashboard!

    Hi Sean A,
    Personal Tax Accounts (PTA) will always show any shortfalls of voluntary National Insurance contributions at the class 3 rate.
    If our International Team have sent you a letter to quote any shortfalls at the voluntary class 2 rate then please work off that letter. If you need a new letter then please write to:
    HM Revenue & Customs
    PT Operations North East England
    BX9 1AN
    United Kingdom
    Thank you.
  • RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad

    Hi Mike,
    You should contact the Pension Service for advice on your personal circumstances.
    HMRC are unable to provide advice on whether you should pay voluntary National Insurance contributions or not.
    Once you have spoken to the Pension Service, if you wish to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions from abroad, please complete the CF83 application form which can be found here - Social Security abroad: NI38 - GOV.UK (
    Please read the information on the NI38 before completing your application form.
    The contact number for the Pension Service is +44 (0) 191 2187777, lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
    Thank you.