HMRC Admin 20 Response
RE: HMRC Policy re CF83 Decision Appeals?
An individual will be given an extended time limit for the payment of any voluntary National Insurance contributions that they may wish to make if we reply after 5 April 2025, provided that we receive their query before 5 April 2025.
Thank you. -
RE: NI Required?
As you are employed in the United Kingdom our Employers Helpline will be able to advise whether there is liability for you to pay UK National Insurance contributions.
Thank you. -
RE: Class 4 National Insurance Maximum Charge
The P60 details the current employed PAYE information held at the end of the relevant tax year.
If you had more than one employment during the relevant tax year your P60 would not show details of the previous employer.
This information is held on the P45.
If the P45 information was not handed to the new employment upon commencement of the employment under the current employer then you will need to take this up with your payroll department.
Thank you. -
RE: A1 Form
Hi treegardener,
The easiest way to cancel an application is to contact the National Insurance helpline, they will be able to take the details over the telephone
Thank you. -
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Hi Nigel vellam Vellam,
Sometimes paying shortfalls of voluntary National Insurance contributions may not increase your entitlement to the UK State Pension which may be why The Pension Service have only quoted certain tax years for you.
If you could speak with the International Pension Centre on +44 (0)191 2187777 they will be able to help you further.
Thank you. -
RE: State Pension Query.
Hi Megan1,
You can request a Statement of all the National Insurance contributions that are recorded so that you can go through them to see if there is something missing.
If there is anything missing then a copy of a payslip or P60 for the tax year would be ideal but if you do not have them any more then you would send us a letter to advise us of the name of the employer and period of employment and we will be able to see if the contributions can be traced.
Our National Insurance Helpline number is 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) for you to request the Statement.
Your Personal Tax Account would also show this information.
Thank you. -
RE: State Pension Query.
Hi pwylung,
As you are overseas and wish to pay some voluntary National Insurance contributions to us, your 18 Digit Reference Number will be: Your National Insurance Number, followed by IC then your surname and initial.
Details of our bank details may be found via Pay voluntary Class 3 National Insurance
When you have made your payment please allow 10 working days to pass then call our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) and they will arrange for your payment to be allocated straight away because you are over pension age.
You may wish to have your payment details to hand when you call.
Thank you. -
RE: A UK-based individual provides consultancy services to UK company
If your consultancy service annual gross turnover exceeds £1000, then yes, you will need to register for self assessment, as self employed Register as a sole trader.
Please take a look at the Business records if you're self-employed for guidance on record keeping.
How you invoice your client is up to you.
If this is a one-off, you would still need to register as self employed.
You would also need to confirm that the self employment has ceased.
Thank you. -
Hi Bwise,
Private residence relief (PRR) can reduce or eliminate the capital gains tax on the disposal of your main residence.
Have a look at helpsheet HS283 HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024).
As the other property is not your wife's main residence, PRR would not be due and a capital gain may arise if it is disposed of.
Thank you. -
RE: CA23510 - meaning of car query
We can only provide general information / guidance in this forum.
For an answer to your question, you would need to contact our self assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310, contact our webchat facility at Contact HMRC or seek professional advice.
Thank you.