HMRC Admin 20 Response
RE: Self employed working from home using office plus another room constantly for storage
You would need to find a way to apportion costs that your business incurs in that room.
If you cannot do this, you cannot make a claim.
Please have a look at
Thank you. -
As the property that was disposed of, is located in the UK, the UK has first rights to charge capital gains tax on the disposal.
You have 60 days to calculate, report and pay the tax due.
You will then have to declare in Ireland and claim a foreign tax credit from the Irish tax authorities.
Thank you -
RE: Income from ex-employer before moving to UK
It is income arising from employment when you were not UK resident.
Thank you.
RE: Stamp duty refund
We cannot advise on stamp duty matters as they are not part of income tax.
Please have a look at the guidance at Stamp Duty Land Tax
Thank you.
RE: Life Time ISA - clarification "First Home"
Please have a look at the guidance at Lifetime ISA and Lifetime ISA withdrawals for a first time residential purchase.
Thank you. -
RE: Does Bed and Breakfasting rule/same day/30 day rules apply trading futures contract
RE: SRT work days calculation
The answer to your question is yes.
Thank you. -
RE: p85 query
You should check whether you need to complete a self assessment tax return at Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
If you do not, let us know by contacting our self assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310 or our webchat facility at Contact HMRC.
Your government gateway ID and password will not expire.
The P85 is asking for estimates, as no one can predict the future.
There are no tax implications if your estimate is over or under.
Thank you. -
RE: Trading Allowance (Referral Rewards, Survey Rewards and Foreign Insurance Annual Bonuses)
We can only provide general information / guidance in this forum.
For an answer to a question of this nature, you would need to contact our self assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310, contact our webchat facility at
Contact HMRC or seek professional advice.
Thank you. -
RE: CGT liability - date of transfer from executor estate to beneficiary
If the overseas estate disposed of the shares, it is the estate that would incur any capital gains charges in that country.
If the beneficiary is UK resident and receives cash distribution, there is no UK tax implications.
If the beneficiary acquires shares with the cash, then they may have capital gains liabilites should they later dispose of the shares.
Thank you.