HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:P800 Tax Due - How to pay
Hi Fozboy,
If the underpayment is for the last tax year 2022/23 then if shown on your Personal Tax Account there would be the option to pay.
Thank you. -
Re:Register for self assessment
Hi Beverley
You can check if you need to submit a Self Assessment tax return at:
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
If you do meet the criteria then you ca nregister online at:
Self Assessment tax returns.
Once registered you will receive a Unique Tax Reference, UTR. Once you have this you can then enrol to file your Self Assessment online. If you need help to you can contact our Onine helpdesk at:
Technical support with HMRC online services
Thank you. -
Re:Trading allowance
Hi Stringy
In section 3, tailor your return, you would select yes to self employment and provide a name for your self employment. Save and continue. Click on section 4 - fill in your return and select self employment from the list. Select 'No' to was your turnover more than £85000. Scrool down to the questions regarding the turn over of £1000 or less and Save and continue.
Thank you. -
Re:Bank Details for Tax Refund
Hi angelac
No, There is no need to declare a tax refund to HMRC.
Thank you. -
Re:Saving Interest Income
Hi akquestion
If you do not complete a Self Assessment then the bank/building societies report the interest details to HMRC after the tax year end. Once received HMRC will review your PAYE record and if tax is due a calculation will be issued to you.
Thank you.