HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:VAT on General Expenses recharged to a client
Hi CraigF
.We can't dictate to a company what value they charge as a supply.
We can only dictate that the VAT is charged on their supply but the value of this supply is their own decision.
Thank you.
Re:Charging VAT when selling services to UK businesses from Sweden
Hi holly_198
If you are supplying consultancy services from overseas to businesses in the UK then these would be accounted for by the business customer under the reverse charge procedure.
Please see the guidance below:
5. Reverse charge
However the important aspect to confirm is where you 'belong' for VAT purposes.
If you 'belong in the UK' then you will be making a UK supply and this will be taxable in the UK.
Please see the guidance below to determine this:
9. Non-established-taxable-persons (NETPs) — basic information
Thank you. -
Re:VAT claimed on business mileage (electric cars)
Hi Nessa_26
Hi, Please see the the guidance below which explains the mileage allowance for electric cars:
Advisory fuel rates
Please see the reqirements for VAT invoices in relation to claiming VAT as input tax.
Is there a reson why the employees can't obtain a VAT invoice if they are paying for a car charge?
Thank you. -
Re:Not receiving the UTR number
Hi Mag Chan,
I am sorry if you have not yet received your UTR.
To review this you will need to contact HMRC. The phone number is local rate charge.
There is also the option to webchat. Contact HMRC
Thank you.