HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:How to pay Voluntary contributions to fill gaps
Hi Michel Raymond,
Your employer, in conjunction with the pension provider, will advice you on how they will address this situation. You can contact the pensions regulator if you have concerns about the way your employer is dealing with automatic enrolment ( You can also contact money helper ( who may be able to help you.
Thank you. -
Re:Declaring Foreign Bank Interest
Hi Yoga1,
We cannot advise on scenarios. Overseas interest and tax deducted is declared on SA106 (foreign). Overseas capital gains are declared on SA108 (capital gains) and SA106 (foreign) in the tax year that they arise.
Thank you. -
Hi Sam Norman,
We can't advise you of the most cost effective way. You will need to pay for the services of a financial adviser for that type of service.
Please have a look at the guidance at Double Taxation Relief Manual, which explains why no tax relief is due. However the article on elimination of double taxation allows for a credit against the Canadian tax paid.
Thank you. -
Re:tax-relief for working remotely
Re:Transferring beneficial interest to a new property - Any liability to CGT and SDLT?
Hi Boz Withers,
This would only affect any potential CGT due if you are assigning the beneficial interest of your share to your mother from the first property. if/when the 2nd property os sold due to your mother passing away, CGT will be due then.
Thank you. -
Re:Tax on tenant in common land
Hi margandjo,
Thank you for your further question. You are correct in stating that a Form 17 election is only required if the rental property is jointly owned by married couples or civil partners.You would also not be required to submit any evidence to support the actual split of the property income that you decide.
Thank you. -
Re:Oversea rental income support from family or friend
Hi Drexler Old,
Thank you for your further question. I can advise you that your familty member or friend would not be required to supply any details in respect of their rental income.
Thank you. -
Re:Inform HMRC to strike off the company
Hi Tina,
Thank you for your query. If you haven’t made your application for strike off to Companies House yet you need to:
• file your return up to the date of cessation to HMRC
• send Companies House a DS01 form
• there is a fee of £10 to strike off a company
For more information regarding this, you should contact Companies House 0303 1234 500
The information you give to Companies House will automatically update onto Corporation Tax records. We will look at the case fully once you have applied to strike off the company, if you have an outstanding return and don’t file with HMRC up to the date the company ceased trading you may receive an objection to the strike off and delay your company being closed.
Thank you.