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  • Re:Stock Options vested in the UK and exercised abroad

    Hi AndreaC87.
    Please refer to Tax on your UK income if you live abroad.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Employee wishing to be known by a different name

    Hi RJ9129,
    The employees name will be used to ensure the RTI information is attached to the correct payroll record, so the name would have to be the same as the name we hold officially. You can internally hold a different name.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Class 3 NI contributions

    Hi Virgil Stockwell,
    This would give rise to a benefit in kind - as its paying a personal bill. Expenses and benefits: personal bills.
    Thank you.
  • Re:PAYE Activation code

    Hi Emily Lau,
    Please call the Online Services Helpdesk on 0300 200 3600 for assistance.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Additional Pension Contribution tax relief on gross salary including personal tax allowance

    Hi Dee,
    The maximum tax relief we will give to members of registered pension schemes is up to 100% of their annual earnings. You can get more infromation at Pension schemes. For a repayment we can only repay the tax paid in the tax year. 
    Thank you.
  • Re:CGT Query

    Hi Janni,
    It is difficult to say without more information and it could not be determined in this forum. You would need to consider what the legislation allows HMRC to charge to tax and in turn consider if it falls under any of the categories. For example for it to be chargeable to income tax there would need to be either a connection to a trade profession or vocation ie the badges of trade or as a benefit from an employment. It is possible it is an intangible asset for CG, so you could refer to CG12010 - Chargeable assets: intangible assets: rights.  
    We can only provide general information in this forum and we don't know enough about it from this to say.  All we can do is point you in the direction of the guidance to,  make an informed decision.  For an answer to a detailed question of this nature, you would need to contact our self assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310 or seek professional advice.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Identification of deeply discounted securities (DDS)

    Hi magnagatti cianch,
    The guidance at SAIM3020 is HMRC definition of the legislation on the meaning of deeply discounted securities.  ‘Deeply Discounted Securities’ (DDS) are government securities, commercial bonds and loan stock, where the amount paid on redemption is higher than the price at which they were issued. The difference is the discount and represents the whole or part of the reward to the holder of the security for the use of the money borrowed by the security issuer. 
    Thank you.
  • Re:CGT losses using real time service

    Hi Peter Fletcher,
    The realtime service is only set up to report gains.  Losses should continue to be claimed either through a self assessment tax return or in writing, together with supporting evidence.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Certificate of residence in the UK

    Hi Daniela Amor
    A certificate of residence is issued in cases where there is a tax treaty between the UK and the other country and the tax treaty covers the income / capital gain arising in the other country.  In situations where there is a tax treaty between the UK and the other country and no overseas income exists, we can issue a letter of confirmation of residence.  This is agreed with each country there is a treaty with.  In situations where the other country are rejecting this agreed process, we would require you to submit a copy of the letter from the other country stating that they will not accept the letter of confirmation of residence.  We have a specialist department, who would liaise with the Portuguese tax authorities in an attempt to find a solution to satisfy both countries.  If the letter is not in English, you do not need to arranged for it to be translated, HMRC will do this.  You should send the rejection letter to H.M. Revenue and Customs Pay As You Earn BX9 1AS.
    Thank you.
  • Re:Is a SIPP a qualifying pension for Individual DT Tax Refund?

    Hi Hugh Rhodes,
    Article 18 of the UK / France tax treaty gives full relief on UK pensions being paid to a resident of France.  The pension will be taxed initially, until we receive a validated DT individual UK / France, which can be downloaded at Application to claim relief at source from UK Income Tax and repayment of UK Income Tax.  You should complete the form, declaring all the pension you are receiving, including state pension (if appropriate) and send the signed and dated form to your local tax office in France.  The French tax authorities will validate the form, confirming the pensions are taxable in France and sent the validated form to you, so that you can forward to HMRC at the address on the front page of the form.  From this, we can arrange for your pension provider to stop deducting tax and repay and tax deducted in the current tax year.
    Thank you.