HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:Employment History
Hi Mami Nakao,
You would need to login to your Personal Tax Account to view your employment history Personal tax account: sign in or set up.
Thank you. -
Re:Tax on state pension and work pensions in the first year of retirement
Hi DK1966,
I am sorry if the benefits that ceased when you left your employment in the 2023/24 tax year have been included in your 2024/25 tax code. We will need to be amend your 2024/25 tax code. If you contact HMRC we can update this for you Income Tax: general enquiries.
Thank you. -
Re:How to calculate CGT with different share numbers in bed and breakfast and section 104
Hi David James,
Please refer to Shares and Capital Gains Tax (Self Assessment helpsheet HS284)/hs284-shares-and-capital-gains-tax-2023 and
Thank you. -
Re:Gifting property to parents
Hi Seand DON
A capital gains tax charge may arise on the gifting of a property to a person, who is not your spouse or civil partner. When your parents gifted the property to you, they may have been liable to pay capital gains tax on the difference between what they purchases the property for and the market value when the disposed of it. Private residence relief (PRR) may cover the gain, so that no tax is payable. Help sheet HS283 gives advice on PRR (HS283 Private Residence Relief (2023)).
The same may occur when you gift the property back to your parents. You may find that you have capital gains tax to pay on the difference between the market value of the property at the time it was gifted to you and the market value of the property when you gift it back to your parents. PRR may not be applicable in your circumstances. There is a capital gains calculator at Tax when you sell property, which leads on to reporting and paying capital gains tax within 60 days of completion, where a capital gain arises.
Thank you. -
Re: apital gains tax - (overseas) inherited property
Hi Jerry,
Yes it will.
Thank you.