HMRC Admin 17 Response
RE: Gifting Property
Hi ,
As long at the property was your main residence for the entire period of ownership, private residence relief (PRR) would cover any gain arising from the disposal of a part share of the property to your son.
If PRR does not cover all of the gain, then you are likely to have capital gains tax to pay.
Please take a look at the helpsheet HS283 at :
Private Residence Relief (Self Assessment helpsheet HS283) .
There is also a capital gains calculator at :
Tax when you sell property to help you work out if there is a gain.
It also includes links to the capital gains service, to allow you to report and pay any capital gains tax due .
Thank you . -
RE: Tax return for foreign REIT distribution (capital component)
Hi ,
Where Non UK REITs are distributed, the profits and foreign tax deducted are declared in the foreign sections under
'income from land and property abroad' on page F4 (boxes 14 to 32),
where a foreign tax credit can be claimed (box 2 on page F1).
They are not taxed as dividends, but as property income.
Foreign tax credit relief is restriced in a similar way to dividends.
A list of tax treaties can be found at :
Tax treaties .
Thank you . -
RE : CGT and Transfer of Equity
Hi ,
Please have a look at the helpsheet HS281 (: HS281 Capital Gains Tax civil partners and spouses (2024 ).
Thank you . -
RE : PRR calculation query
Hi ,
The relief is based on the period you lived in it from 2001- 2014 and apportioned over the whole period to ownership - See :
HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024) .
Thank you . -
RE : Split year treatment application
Hi ,
Split year treatment is not part of the self assessment registration process.
If you have submitted your tax return already, you will have to submit an amendment.
To claim split year treatment, requires the completion of supplementary page SA109.
If you have still to submit your tax return, you can download a paper version at :
Self Assessment tax returns , as well as the relevant supplementary pages .
Provided you have a government gateway user ID and password, you can use this to submit an online commercial tax return.
You can by these from the list of suppliers at :
Self Assessment commercial software suppliers .
All parts of your tax return, should be submitted in the same format .
Thank you . -
RE: Employed in Ireland
Hi ,
1. That is not for HMRC to confirm as this is a border/home office matter
2. Yes
3. Yes - you need to send it on to them
4. Yes. to apply for a certificate, please go to :
How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad .
Thank you . -
RE : CGT - Can Stock Mkt Losses realised few days after Capital Gains from BTL sale be offset?
Hi ,
They are still available for offseting at the end of the year but they must have occured prior to the sale of the property
to be included on the 60 day reporting return .
Thank you . -
RE : do i need to file report for crypto CGT if under allownce
Hi ,
If the actual disposal was in excess of 50k then yes you still need to report it and you can use the real time system.
See guidance at :
Capital Gains Tax: what you pay it on, rates and allowances .
Thank you . -
RE : Potential tax on lump sum from foreign life insurance policy
Hi ,
This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve.
We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances. please refer to :
HS321 Gains on foreign life insurance policies (2024) .
Thank you . -
RE : Declare foreign interest below tax threshold from previous years?
Hi ,
If you meet the criteria for Self Assessment then you will need to register and submit a Self Assessment even if no tax is due.
You can check if you meet the criteria at :
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return .
Thank you .