HMRC Admin 21 Response
RE: Transferring money from parents english account to IoM account via my uk account
Hi Sue
There would be no tax implcations in doing this.
Thank you. -
RE: Pension Recyling
Hi nofuse1971,
HMRC can only give general advice in this forum and we cannot comment on scenarios real or imagined. If you have a detailed question, you will need to contact the PAYE helpline and speak to one of my colleagues.
Thank you. -
RE: Tax paid if workplace pension tax relief is combo of at source and via HMRC change to tax code
Hi gouldec,
Tax relief at source.
You state your gross pay is £89175 and your taxable pay is £68805, so the difference (£20370) is paid to your pension before your employer calculates your tax liability. This means that your pension payment has received tax relief 'at source' and no further tax relief is due. Instead of calculating the tax due on your gross pay (£89175), your employer has calculated the tax using the figure (68805) after deducting your pension payment, so you have not had to pay any tax on you £20370 pension payment.
Tax relief after tax paid.
If tax relief is not given at source, then your are taxed on your gross pay £89175 minus personal allowance £12570, which gives taxable income of £76605. Of this (£37700+£25462 = £63163) is taxable at 20% and £13442 is taxable at 40%, making the tax payable £18009.40. Your pension provider claims 20% relief from HMRC on £20370, so that you get 20% relief throught the pension scheme and 20% being taxed at basic rate and not higher rate.
With method 1, you pay less tax but only pay £20370 to your penson. With option 2 you pay more tax, but pay £25462 into your pension. This is made up of £20370 (80%) plus £5092 (20%) or (£20370/80*100 = £25462) claimed from HMRC by your pension provider.
Thank you. -
RE: Claiming security deposits
Hi rabbitinheadlights confused,
Apologies for misunderstanding, the process you follow for claiming deposits depends on the type of declaration. A Bill of Discharge will be submitted to National Imports Relief Unit for the Inward Processing Relief ones.
Discharging your goods when using authorisation by declaration
For Temporary Admissions you would contact National Temporary Admissions team at: directly.
For quotas, it will be either NDRC via a c285 or NIDAC ( depending if its been brought to account or not.
Thank you. -
RE: Required information to import plants from Indonesia to the UK
Hi hea.chan Chan,
GBPR is no longer valid code for customs declarations, if an importer is a private individual then declarant needs to use their details such as name and address.
DE 3/15 Importer Name and Address (Box 8 — Importer/ Consignee)
You can check the documents required to import these commodities by visiting trade tariff UK.
Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates.
Thank you. -
RE: Temporary transportation from the uk of photographs for exhibition in France
Hi John,
You might be able to claim relief from duty and declare goods in an easier way if you are only moving them temporarily - for example, for a trade show or an event. Please see below link for more information.
Take goods temporarily out of Great Britain.
Thank you.
RE: no import documenst to imports under 135gbp
We are unable to comment on what information couriers can provide to their customers. It could be possible that couriers using low value bulk import authorisation, more information on below link:
Apply to import multiple low value parcels on one declaration.
Thank you/
" -
RE: FedEx unauthorised representation for C285 form
Hi cks29,
Please contact Imports and exports helpline for help, you can find their contact details on below link:
Imports and exports: general enquiries
Thank you. -
RE: Importing painting I already own
Hi T Dunn,
You can use below guidance to work out the customs value for Customs Duty, import VAT and trade statistics if you are an importer or clearing agent.
Working out the customs value of your imported goods
Please check below guidance on how to declare goods for personal use.
Bringing goods into the UK for personal use.
Thank you. -
RE: Simplified H8 Data Set For Windsor Framework
Hi AbhimanyuGoel,
We currently do not have any update on Simplified H8 Data Set For Windsor Framework, if you have a customs account manager please contact that person or check with Imports and exports helpline.
Imports and exports: general enquiries.
Thank you.