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  • RE: Can I make a voluntary NI contribution after claiming my state pension?

    Hi Graham,
    If you are 55 you have not reached State pension age and will be able to have the option to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions.
    Please contact Pensions forecasts at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
    They will advise you on your current state pension and how you can increase it.
    Once you have been advised which tax years you can pay, they will also advise you how many qualifying years are required and if you are able to get a full state pension.
    Once you have checked with DWP they will direct you to contact HMRC to make any payments.
    If you have already checked your State pension with DWP, you can only pay voluntary National Insurance for past tax years and potentially the current year depending on your circumstances, you cannot pay for future tax years.
    DWP pensions forecasts:
    Number - 0800 731 0175
    Overseas - +44 191 218 3600
    Open - 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday
    HMRC helpline:
    Number - 0300 200 3500
    Overseas - +44 191 203 7010
    Open - Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
    Thank you.
  • RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad

    Hi manalive,
    Details of how to make your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions may be found via:
     Pay Class 2 National Insurance if you do not pay through Self Assessment.
    You may use these bank details for both of your voluntary Class 2 and voluntary Class 3 contributions – you do not need to send them separately.  
    As you have mentioned, the 18 Digit Reference Number that you would use is:  
    Your National Insurance Number, followed by IC then your surname and initial.  
    Please use the amounts as detailed in our letter when paying any voluntary contributions.  
    Please allow about 8 weeks from the date you make your payment for it to be shown on your Personal Tax Account.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Paying Class 2 contributions methods

    Hi John,
    I can confirm that you may use your UK bank account to transfer your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions to us and use the 18 Digit Reference Number as you mentioned.  
    You may pay the full amount in one go if you wish or you may break it down into tax years.
    We would ask that you pay at least one full tax year or multiples of tax years at a time.  
    Once you have made your payment please allow about 8 weeks for it to be shown on your Personal Tax Account.
    Thank you.
  • RE: German State Pension

    May I ask that you contact the German Social Security Authorities to ask if any refund is available for their social security contributions.
    Thank you.
  • RE: NI Required?

    If you could call our Employer Helpline then they will be able to arrange for you to pay your own National Insurance contributions whilst you are employed in the United Kingdom for an overseas employer.  
    Their telephone number is:  0300 200 3200.
    Thank you.
  • RE: HRP

    If the application for is HRP (Home Responsibilities Protection) please call the National Insurance helpline. Once the account holder has passed security they can advise if the application has been approved for the tax years that have been applied for.
    If the tax years have been approved or disallowed a letter will have been issued.
    If the application has been approved, any changes to the pension can be checked with the Department for Work and Pensions.
    If no letters have been issued regarding the application, will be replying in due course.
    HMRC National Insurance helpline:
    Number - 0300 200 3500
    Overseas - +44 19 1203 7010
    Open - Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
    DWP (Department for work and Pensions):
    Number - 0800 731 0175
    Overseas - +44 191 218 3600
    Open - 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday
    Thank you.
  • RE: Can I make a voluntary NI contribution after claiming my state pension?

    Hi tonyz,
    If you have contacted the DWP International Pension Centre then may I ask that you contact them directly and they will be able to help you further.  
    Their telephone number is:  +44 (0)191 2187777.
    Thank you.

  • RE: payment of voluntary class 2 NIC contributions from abroad

    Hi Nadir,
    To change your bank account that you are using to pay your voluntary National Insurance contributions through, please complete and return a new CF83 application form which you will find via:
     Apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions when abroad (CF83).  
    We can only accept a bank in the United Kingdom or Channel Islands.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Accommodation Offset

    Thank you for your query.
    Without an ongoing review, we can only provide generic advice as a complete understanding of the full arrangements in place would be required to comment on specific situations. 
    The accommodation offset is a notional amount that does not reflect market rates, which may count towards a worker’s pay for National Minimum Wage (NMW) purposes. The current accommodation offset rate is £9.99 per day, £69.93 per week, but this is set to increase in April 2025 to £10.66 per day, £74.62 per week.
    If there is no charge, and the accommodation is free, including any additional charges that the employer would be entitled to receive with respect to the accommodation, then this offset rate is added to a worker’s pay.
    If the total accommodation charge is at or below the offset rate, it does not affect a worker’s pay. 
    If the accommodation charge is above this offset rate, the worker’s pay is reduced by the difference between the applicable offset and the accommodation charge.
    There are further considerations and examples included in the Calculating the Minimum Wage guidance which you may find useful. For more information, please refer to: 
    Living accommodation.
    Alternatively, if you require any further support, please seek independent legal advice, or contact The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) on 0300 123 1100.
    Thank you.
  • RE: VAT Registration - No Physical UK Address

    Hi Winrris,
    Please see the criteria for a NETP:
    9. Non-established taxable persons — basic information.
    If you are supplying digital services to consumers in the UK from overseas then there will be a requirement to register for VAT straight away as a NETP and you would use your overseas address on the application.
    Thank you.