HMRC Admin 21 Response
RE: First assessment
You will need to submit your Self Assessment either by paper form or online. If possiblie the online return will be quicker to be processed to your record and allow you to amend online if needed. If submitting by paper the deadline date for the 2023/24 tax return is 31 October 2024.
If you need help filing the tax return you can conact the helpline Selling online and paying taxes - information sheet.
Thank you. -
RE: tax code error
Hi StillTheSame,
If your tax code is 1382M then you will be in receipt of the marriage allowance transfer. When you submit your Self Assessment the marriage allowance transfer will not be shown on the calculation but once received the system will pick up that you are in receipt of the transfer and the calculation will be amende to include this.
Thank you. -
RE: Selling new used profit /non profit
Hi Amanda,
Please refer to guidance at:
Selling online and paying taxes - information sheet - GOV.UK (
Thank you. -
RE: please help with tax refund problem
Hi lizmcphil,
I am sorry you are having issues in claiming your repayment.
If still not received then you will need to contact HMRC to review. You can do this by phone or webchat at:
Self Assessment: general enquiries.
Thank you. -
RE: Opting out of MTD for Income Tax
I am sorry that you have not been directed to the customer support team when you contacted HMRC. Advisers on the Self Assessment helpline have the option to transfer calls through to them.
You would also have been provided with the telephone number on the letter you received after you signed up. You opt out within your Digital Tax account by following these steps
• under 'Next updates due' section select 'View deadlines and manage how you report'
• at the top of the Next Updates page select the ‘opt out of quarterly updates and report annually instead.’ link
• select the year(s) they wish to opt out for
• check the years selected and select confirm
Alternatively, if you call the self assessment helpline, they can transfer you to a MTD support adviser.
Thank you. -
RE: Stopping Self Assessment -You don't have to send a tax return after the year ended 5 April 2024
Yes the threshold haa changed for 2024/25. You can check if you meet Self Assessment criteria at:
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
Thank you. -
RE: Enquiry about PSA and putting untaxed interest in SA100
Hi Alan1911,
You do not deduct the PSA this will automatically be given in the calculation. If you need more help understanding declaring foreign interest then you will need to contact HMRC Self Assessment: general enquiries or you can view the notes and helpsheets online Self Assessment tax return forms.
Thank you. -
RE: Tax refund claim tracks as completed but what was the outcome? I've not been refunded anything
Hi trevor,
If completed and you have not received a reply then you will need to contact HMRC to review this for you:
Income Tax: general enquiries.
Thank you. -
RE: 15 / 30 Free Hours - Adjusted Net Income - Salary Sacrifice
Hi alick84,
Yes this will be taken into account when calculating your adjusted net income.
Yes if the pension contributions are made before your tax is calculated then if increased this will change your adjusted net income Personal Allowances: adjusted net income.
Thank you. -
RE: Tax implications on moving to 2 part time roles within the same organisation
Hi AnnaM17,
Unfortunately, it is not possible to check individual tax records through this forum, if you have a question which relates to your personal tax situation or tax code please contact our helpline:
Income Tax: general enquiries
On this page you will also see a link to personal tax account: sign in or set up which may be the quickest way to review information relating to pay and tax history, tax codes and how to change them.
Thank you.