HMRC Admin 21 Response
RE: Maximum Savings Interest before I need to pay tax
Hi Olivia,
If the untaxed savings interest is less than £10K then you will not meet the criteria for Self Assessment: Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
At the tax year end the untaxed interest details will be submitted to HMRC and reviewed through your PAYE records. If you have underpaid your tax a calculation, P800, will be issued to you.
Thank you. -
RE: reporting capital loss
You can only report online through a self assessment tax return. If you do not complete self assessment tax returns, then your loss claim must be in writing, with supporting evidence.
Thank you. -
RE: French tax forms
Please send the 5000 and 5002 forms for validation. If we can verify from your tax records that you were resident in the UK for the period the forms are for, such as employment or tax return etc, we will date stamp and sign the forms and return them to you.
Thank you. -
RE: Early withdraw from New Zealand superannuation scheme due to permanent emigration to the UK
Please have a look at article 19 of the UK / New Zealand tax treaty: (
It means that if you are resident in the UK and receive a pension from a New Zealand based pension, then it is taxable in the UK and not New Zealand. If tax is deducted from it in New Zealand, you will need to claim a repayment of tax from the NZ tax authorities.
You can apply to HMRC for a certificate of residence to provide to the NZ tax authorities at How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad.
This means that you will need to declare the NZ pension in a self assessment tax return each year.
Thank you. -
RE: Taxation on Life Insurance Surrender
RE: Correcting Self Assessment (>1 year old)
Yes when you submit the amendment you will need to supply the details of the section/box that needs to be amended and the new figures. Once updated an amended calculation will be issued to you, but in the meantime you should estimate any balance that would be due and make the payment to limit any interest/penalties that may be due.
Thank you. -
RE: Confirmation of no UK Personal Income Tax owed
You will need to apply for this in writing and send it to:
PAYE & Self Assessment
Thank you. -
RE: Interest on foreign bond investments
It is towards the end after completing the foreign pages and you will be asked if you agree with the foreign tax credit that has been calculated. If you select no you can then enter your own figure. We cannot advise you of the figure as it is self assessment and for you to determine.
Thank you. -
RE: 60% tax trap
Unfortunately, it is not possible to review personal matters in this forum.
For individualised assistance please contact our self assessment helpline or contact our webchat Self Assessment: general enquiries.
Thank you. -
RE: Certificate of Residency and Overseas Tax Relief
No. as its UK rental, HMRC have the first rights to taxation on this and no relief can be given in respect of foreign tax paid. It would be in Australia that you would be looking for this as tax is due there also. as a non resident landlord you will need to include the residence section of the tax return and as such you cannot file online using HMRC software. You will need to file by paper or buy 3rd party software.
Thank you.