HMRC Admin 21 Response
RE: VAT relief on house restoration
Hi KseniaY
Yes only the VAT registered builder would be able to claim VAT on the materials purchased.There is no special process for this.The VAT registered business would just include the purchases on his regular VAT returns which they submit to HMRC.
Thank you. -
RE: VAT recliam on conversion of 4 flats to one family dwelling
It does not matter who owned the properties.The key point is that it has at no point been lived in during the last 10 years.
VAT refunds for conversions if you’re a DIY housebuilder.
Thank you. -
RE: Complex E-commerce VAT Query
Hi red112.
If the goods are over £135 then the importer is responsible for paying any VAT charged at import.
However if the goods are imported in to the UK of a value below £135 then the consumer is not reposnsible for paying the VAT.the overseas seller is responsible for charging it.
If the consumer is the importer in to the UK then you will own the goods overseas and so there will be a responsibility for your business to account for the UK VAT.
Please see the guidance below:
Changes to VAT treatment of overseas goods sold to customers from 1 January 2021.
Thank you. -
RE: Lost property acquisition costs for calculating CGT
You can use reasonable estimates but you must refer to this in your computation. If your computation includes estimated figures
or a valuation, you must tell us:
• where and why you’ve used estimated amounts
• how you worked out these amounts
For valuations, you should also include:
• the date of the valuation
• a full description of the asset
Thank you. -
RE: Is CGT payable on a deceased overseas property sold by the estate?
RE: Self assessment - Tax paid on Non-reporting funds
RE: Capital gains tax on house sale when grandparents have been part owner-occupiers
You will take 1/3 share when in 2008, another 1/3 share of the value in 2017 when your grandad passed and then the final 1/3 of the vaue in 2021. all added together this is your purchase price for working out any gain.
Thank you. -
RE: Main residence for capital gain tax purpose
Hi Lucy,
Please refer to: CG64485 - Private residence relief: only or main residence: two or more residences: right of nomination.
Thank you. -
RE: Reporting a Capital Gain on profits from a With Profits Bond
Hi Darren,
As the gain is over 10k, you need to report this in your 2024/25 tax return.
Thank you. -
RE: Can loss made on sale of overseas property be offset against capital gains made overseas on sal
If you are resident and domicle, yes. if you use the remittance basis, please refer to:
RDRM31340 - Remittance Basis: Introduction to the Remittance Basis: Comparisons with pre-April 2008 regime: Other changes - capital gains foreign losses.
Thank you.