HMRC Admin 21 Response
RE: cost base
Those shares vested prior to becoming UK resident are not taxable in the UK.
As the payment is from your employer, the income should be shown in the employment section if it is included in your P60.
You would then claim credit for the Tax in the foreign section under 'Employment, self-employment and other income which you paid foreign tax on'.
If it is not included in your P60, please include it on the box on the employment page for 'Tips and other payments not included on your P60'. ERSM20193, link below, advises that when RSUs payout at the market value on what is called "dividend equivalents" in either cash or shares, such payments will generally be taxed as earnings in the year they are received.
ERSM20193 - Employment-related securities and options: what are securities: RSUs and dividend equivalents.
Thank you. -
RE: With Profits Income Bond - Income and Capital Gains Tax
Hi Alfie M01,
A partial surrender of 5% of accumulate premiums can be made in each policy year without an immediate tax charge.
The tax charge is deferred until the next chargeable occasion or until the policy matures.
If there are no partial surrenders the gain will be taxable when the policy matures.
Have a look at:
IPTM3540 - Calculating gains: part surrenders and part assignments: ‘periodic calculations’ and ‘excess events’: general and for full surrenders,
IPTM3528 - Calculating gains: maturity, full surrender or assignment: commission rebated: examples.
Thank you. -
RE: P45 and delayed severance payment
As your employment ended during the tax year 2023/2024, you should get a P45 for 2023/2024 but this should only include your pay and tax details up to the date you left.
You should also get a P45 for 2024/2025 and this should only include details of your Severance Payment.
Thank you. -
RE: VAT on a direct export that is invoiced to a UK based customer
Please refer to the questions answered earlier.
If there are not 2 supplies taking place then section 4 of Notice 703 will not apply and the supplier of the goods would need to be satisfied that the criteria is met as a direct export as below.
3. Conditions and time limits for zero rating.
Thank you. -
RE: VAT on exports
If you are selling goods to an overseas customer and the UK supplier is sending the goods themselves without you taking physical possession of the goods here then then are 2 transactions taking place.
The first transaction will involve a UK taxable supply from the supplier to you and then an export by you to your customer.
Section 4 of Notice 703 would then apply and you would need to become VAT registered in order to reclaim the UK VAT charged to you.
Thank you. -
RE: If a new immigrant sells his only home in his place of origin, will he have to pay tax?
You may have a Capital Gain liability, which you would report in a Self Assessment tax return.
You will only be able determine this once you dispose of the property.
There is a Capital Gains calculator at Tax when you sell property.
You would be entitled to private residence relief for the period of time that the property was your main residence.
You can find guidance on this at help sheet HS283:
HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024)
To work out if there is a gain, requires that you covert all of the figure from HKD to GBP sterling, using an exchange rate in use at the time.
Under the terms of Self Assessment, we do not provide an official exchange rate and the onus is on the individual to use a just and reasonable exchange rate for each acquisition and disposal. For your convenience, there are exchange rates at:
Exchange rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format and for older rates at: rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format.
You are free to use any of the supplied rates or one of your own choosing.
HS261 Foreign Tax Credit Relief: Capital Gains (2018) and
Relief for Foreign Tax Paid 2024 (HS263).
Thank you. -
RE: Time Apportioned Reduction
Please have a look at the Self Assessment guidance notes at:
Foreign notes Tax year 6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024 (2023–24), for boxes 43 to 45.
You can also find HS321 at:
HS321 Gains on foreign life insurance policies (2024)
Thank you. -
RE: How and when to report capital gains tax on apartment sold in France
As this is an overseas property, you are not tied to the 60 day rule, however, you do have to report the disposal in a Self Assessment tax return on SA108 (Capital Gain) and SA106 (foreign) supplementary pages:
(Self Assessment tax return forms).
You will need to work out if there is a Capital Gain, using UK rules.
There is a calculator at: Tax when you sell property to help you do this and guidance on private residence relief can be found at HS283:
HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024).
You will need to work out if there is a Capital Gain, using UK rules.
There is a calculator at: Tax when you sell property to help you do this and guidance on private residence relief can be found at:
HS283 Private Residence Relief (2024).
You will need to convert all of your costs and disposal values into GBP sterling using an exchange rate in use at the time.
Under the terms of Self Assessment, we do not provide an official exchange rate and the onus is on the individual to use a just and reasonable exchange rate for each acquisition and disposal. For your convenience, there are exchange rates at: rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format and for older rates at rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format.
You are free to use any of the supplied rates or one of your own choosing.
Thank you. -
RE: Electric Vehicle on PCP as 100% First Year Allowance
Hi Cloudy72,
Please refer to:
Expenses if you're self-employed and
Claim capital allowances.
Thank you. -
RE: Capital Gain and foreign dividend - Use of exchange rates
Hi sb3502,
This will be within the legislation for the:
Taxes Management Act 1970 -
Thank you.