HMRC Admin 10 Response
RE mistake
Please look here If you need to change your return -
RE Reporting UK savings interest
Please look at the information here Tax on savings interest -
RE: How to pay Class 2 NI contributions as a Examiner/Invigilator
Please see the following information on our website - Pay Class 2 National Insurance if you do not pay through Self Assessment
As an invigilator you can pay Class 2 NICs voluntarily if you wish. You will need to check your pension entitlement in your personal tax account to see if it is necessary to pay.
RE Salary from oversea employer
If you could call our Employer Helpline on 0300 200 3200 they will help you to start paying National Insurance contributions.
RE: Obligations of a overseas company - CIS, gross payment status
I cannot answer this for certain as we have no definite background to this case.
Assuming you are the Contractor –
you are required to submit monthly CIS300 returns with details of payments to subcontractors.
If payments are withheld from subcontractors, these amounts should be paid over to HMRC each month.
Assuming you are a non resident Company Subcontractor only –
There are no submissions to make.
If you are both – the above applies.
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Hi Gwen
Sorry for the problems that you are experiencing regarding your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions. If you could call our National Insurance Helpline and ask for a manager to call you back then they should be able to help you further. If you’d rather write in to the International Teams then the address is:-
PT Operations North East England
HM Revenue & Customs
United Kingdom
RE: Class 2 (abroad) National Contributions paid but not appearing on my online record.
Sorry for the delay in allocating your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions to your account. If you could again call our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) they will be able to send a request to the International Teams to ask that they allocate your payment. If you are close to or over UK State Pension Age then please let the Helpline know.
RE When are NI credits applied to your account?
Credits for caring for someone are awarded by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and are added annually. If there is a gap in National Insurance, we can advise of any shortfall once the credits have been applied.
The option to pay voluntarily can be taken by HMRC if you are looking to pay regardless of the outcome later in the year. We will note that you have made any payment before expected credits.
Please be advised that the last tax year does not count to your state pension. If you reach state pension age in the 2024/25 tax year, that year will not count if you are looking to make it a qualifying tax year.
You can call DWP to obtain pensions forecast and they will advise you on the tax year.
Enquiries - 0800 731 0469
Welsh - 0800 731 0453
Open - 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday, closed bank holidays and weekends
Northern Ireland
Enquiries - 0800 587 0892
RE Overpaid Voluntary Contribution
Our International Team will use £824.40 to allocate a tax year to your National Insurance account and the overpayment of £5 should be deducted from your next payment of voluntary contributions.
RE: Clarification on NI38 Definition - 'MAY'
We would assess each individuals application to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions separately so we can’t give a definite reply.
A person may pay voluntary class 2 National Insurance contributions whilst overseas provided that they have at least 3 qualifying paid tax years and were normally employed or self-employed in the United Kingdom before their departure and are employed or self-employed overseas.