HMRC Admin 10 Response
RE: Crypto tax
It is only when you dispose of the asset that any gain/loss is realised. -
CGT for selling a inherited overseas property
The gain will be based on the increase in value at the time you inherited it until you sell it. You can also deduct legal costs for selling. A value should have been applied at the time of death/inherited but if not you will need to obtain an estate agent valuation to confirm. -
RE Is it possible to backdate pension contributions?
No, relief is only due in the tax year the contribution is made. -
RE: US pension and UK Tax
This forum is for general queries only and is intended to help you self-serve. We are unable to provide specific advice tailored to individual circumstances.
RE: Paying CGT after death
You dont need to if there is nothing due. -
RE: Self Assessment for 23/24
Please look here Technical support with HMRC online services -
RE: AirBnB rental income
Hi Stewball
Thank you for your question. HMRC cannot advise you on this, you will need to consider all the guidance available to you on our website and decide what is most beneficial to you. Our property income manual Introduction covers rents from land or property and FHL. Further guidance on FHL can be found in HS253 HS253 Furnished holiday lettings (2024) and renting out your property in Work out your rental income when you let property -
RE Finding deceased person's NI number
Please see the previous post on this thread, the details for contact are National Insurance: general enquiries -
RE: Class 2 (abroad) National Contributions paid but not appearing on my online record.
Sorry for the delay in allocating your payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions to your account. If you could again call our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) they will be able to send a request to the International Teams to ask that they allocate your payment. If you are close to or over UK State Pension Age then please let the Helpline know.
Latest version of SA100, SA106 & SA109
Hi I would suggest you call Self Assessment: general enquiries to get help with this matter.