HMRC Admin 10 Response
RE Polish pension and PIP
Personal Independence Payments are not an income tax matter, so we cannot comment.Please have a look at Personal Independence Payment (PIP). It also mentions that you need to report a change to your circumstances. -
RE Is stock option classified as "listed Shares and Other Securities" or "Other property, assets a
Please have a look at the guidance sheet SA108 notes for a description of Listed shares and securities, Unlisted shares and securities and other property and assets. General overview of capital gains and losses This will help you declare the disposal in the correct section. -
RE Sole Trader, no incoming but only losses
A sole trader (self employed) business is declared in the self employment section, where you declare your gross income and expenses, which will result in a profit or a loss. Self employment falls under income tax and not capital gains tax. If using a paper tax return, please declare your business on SA103S (Self Assessment: self-employment (short) (SA103S)) or SA103F (Self Assessment: Self-employment (full) (SA103F)). -
RE: High Income Child Benefit Charge
If your employer deducts your pension payment before they calculate the tax due on your income, it means that you are getting full tax relief at source and no further tax relief is due. If the deduction is after your income tax is calculated, the pension provider will claim 20% tax relief from HMRC and you claim the remainder from HMRC. Have a look at Tax on your private pension contributions -
RE: Paying CGT after death
Hi Marc
If the property was named in a will and bequeathed to the beneficiaries in the will, then each beneficiary would inherit a proportion of the property on the death of the owner and each beneficiary would need to work out if they have made a gain on the disposal of the property, not the estate. If the property was not part of a will, then the estate is reposnsible for paying any capital gains arising from the disposal. In 24/25 the annual exempt allowance for individuals is £3000. For Estates it is £1500. (Capital Gains Tax rates and allowances). Have a look at helpsheet HS284 (HS282 Death, personal representatives and legatees (2024)
RE Profit from Indian Mutual funds
Gains from Indian Mutual Funds at taxable as capital gains and are declared in a self assessment tax return on SA106 or the foreign section of the online tax return. Please have a look at the guidance on offshore funds at HS265 Offshore funds -
RE Carry forward unused higher rate tax relief on pension contributions
If your pension savings are more than your annual allowance, carry forward unused annual allowances from previous years. Please have a look at Check if you have unused annual allowances on your pension savings -
RE Assigning income from saving of single-named bank account
Correct. It would not change any previous tax year. -
RE Calculating tax when using a savings platform that doesn't inform HMRC of interest earned.
Provided the total interest received from all sources, is below £10,000, then a tax return is not required to declare the interest. Instead, a letter to
H. M. Revenue and Customs
BX9 1AS, declaring the interest as shown on the interest statement is all that is needed.
RE Split Year Over a Year
If you meet the criteria for split year treatment, then the split will commence on the day you arrived in the UK, which you mention was 19 May 23.