HMRC Admin 17 Response
RE: Split year treatment
FabGio g,
You will include the full income from the P45 on the employment page.
To then claim the relief for when you left the UK, you will also need to complete form HS304 - :
Non-residents tax relief under double taxation agreements (Self Assessment helpsheet HS304) .
Thank you.
RE: Split year treatment
You will need to make sure that you do not need to complete a tax return for another reason.
If you dont, the P85 will suffice and you will only declare income in the UK until the period you leave, Income you receive
after that will not be taken into account and will not be taxed in the UK.
Your income tax band will not be adjusted retrospectively and you will receive the annual rates of allowances/tax bands.
Thank you. -
RE: Split year treatment
You do not need to report the income prior to arriving in the UK.
You do need to report the foreign income and a tax return is required see link:
Tax on foreign income .
Thank you. -
RE: Money transfer
If the moeny being transferred is a gift then you may be liable to tax on interest that it generates.
If the money is from a rental propery, you need to declare this :
Examples of how to work out Income Tax when you rent out a property .
Thank you. -
You need to declare the whole amount received.
On the return it asks you for the number of years the policy was held for and the system apportions this for you where applicable .
Thank you. -
RE: UK Tax on Australian Superannuation
You will be entitled to a refund if your total income is below the personal allowance.
From the information given, to claim this you will need to submit a self assessment tax return as you have foreign dividends to declare.
Anything over £300 for foreign dividneds needs to be on a tax return.
The gain only needs to be declared if the actual sale was over £49200.
Further infomation can be found at :
Self Assessment: detailed information .
Thank you. -
RE: Cash gift from parents outside UK
There are no income tax implications on cash gifts from family.
You are not required to declare this as income.
However please also enquire with the Inheritance Tax office incase this is subject to inheritance tax in the future - :
Inheritance Tax: general enquiries .
Thank you. -
RE: Cash gift from parents outside UK
You will not pay tax on the cash gift however you will be liable to report any interest that may arise from your bank account.
Thank you.