HMRC Admin 17 Response
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
Klotts ,
Hello the zero rate only applies to a new installation ,
Thank you.
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
Iain Cottingham,Hello the zero rate only applies to residential properties please refer to section 2:
Energy-saving materials and heating equipment (VAT Notice 708/6) .
Thank you. -
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
hitchenaimee ,
The installation of the solar panels can be residential if installed in to a residence but this will not include the hire of scaffolding
as this in itself is not a supply of energy saving materials .
Thank you. -
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
If the installer is not VAT registered then he will be charged 20% for the materials when he purchases them and he will have no ability to recover
this VAT as he is not VAT registered.
As the installer isn't VAT registered then VAT can't be charged by the supplier but you fill find that he will will pass on the VAT cost incurred by him on his purchase.
This isn't VAT however as he is not VAT registered,it is just his cost that he is passing over to you and so there would be no procedure to be able to recover this.
Thank you. -
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
Yes as the installation is taking place in Northern Ireland then the customer doesn't benefit from the zero rated relief but
they will benefit from the 5% relief if the 60% rule is met.
For commercial premises the installation is always 20%.
Please see the guidance below:
Energy-saving materials and heating equipment (VAT Notice 708/6) .
Thank you. -
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
If you are VAT registered then you are allowed to recover the VAT as input tax as long as you meet the conditions in the guidance below:
VAT guide (VAT Notice 700) .
Thank you.
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
As long as he is VAT registered and the purchase meets input tax rules notice 700 section 10 then he would be eligible to reclaim the input VAT
See link:
VAT guide (VAT Notice 700) .
Thank you. -
RE: Certificate of Residence for tax purposes
You can use the option for 'email a form' or apply in writing:
How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad .
Thank you. -
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
When he buys the equipmnent he will pay 20% VAT and will not be able to recover this as he is not VAT registered.
When he charges you for the supplier he won't be able to charge you VAT on top of his charge as again he isn't VAT registered .
Thank you. -
RE: Certificate of Residence for tax purposes
Guidcance on applying for a certificate of residence can be found at :
How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad .
If you are applying as an individual or a sole trader, you can use the email a form or online service .
The online service will have a faster turnaround time, but you will need a goverment gateway user ID and password .
If you are applying for a limited company, you will need to use the online form RES1 .
The links to all of these options can be found in the guidance.
Thank you.