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  • RE: HMRC not answering phones, 3rd day and cannot get through to speak on their help line

    You can contact our payment helpline directly regarding a payment plan on 0300 200 3822 .

    Thank you.
  • RE: Money transfer

    Your income from 19/20,which is in your Qatari bank account would just be considered capital when brough to the UK. 

    If it generates any interest you would be taxable on that .

    Thank you.
  • RE: Deed of assignment

    Hasan Ali ,
    Thank you for your question.

    The deed of trust is supporting evidence to confirm the split of property income between spouses.

    The claim is made using form 17 and a deed of trust.

    The individuals are declaring what the split of profits is between spouses.

    This will be accepted as long as there is supporting evidence.

    Thank you.
  • RE: Deed of assignment

    Thank you for your question.

    Your solicitor is quite correct.

    HMRC will accept a 'deed of Assignment' to transfer beneficial ownership.

    I can confirm that you do not need to send this deed to HMRC but you should keep it for your own records
    of evidence that a transfer has occured.

    Thank you.
  • RE: Deed of assignment

    Thank you for your question.

    The guidance at TSEM9170 confirms that either a declaration or deed of trust is acceptable .

    See link:

    Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual  .

    You do not need to send a copy of the deed but should keep a copy in case it is requested  .

    Thank you.
  • RE: Deed of assignment

    Thank you for your question.

    I would refer you to the guidance on our web site at TSEM9150 - Ownership and income tax:

    legal background: ownership:

    legal and beneficial ownership - separation - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK (, 

    I can confirm that there is no need to send a copy of the declaration of trust to HMRC but you should keep a copy in your records
    in case we ask to see it at a later date.

    Thank you.
  • RE: Money transfer

    If you are resident and not domiciled in the the United Kingdom, then Savings made up from income arising in the tax years
    before becoming resident in the UK, is not taxable in the UK. 

    Any part of those savings that arise from income received in this tax year, would be suject to UK income tax, if remitted to the UK. 

    You may also be subject to tax on any interest arising from your savings in the tax year that you bring the to the UK. 

    Have a look at RDR1, regarding residence, domicile and remittance, in that order:

    Residence, domicile and the remittance basis: RDR1  .

    Thank you.
  • RE: Money transfer

    There are no income tax implications on the receipt of a cash gift unless the income generates interest or dividends.

    These would then potentially be subject to tax. 

    Further guidance can be found here :

    Tax on savings interest    and  :

    Tax on dividends      .

    Thank you.
  • RE: Certificate of Residence for tax purposes

    Joana Morais,
    We are only able to issue certificates of residence where there is a foreign income declared in the UK for tax purposes. 

    In all other circumstances, we issue a letter of confirmation of residence. 

    Where another country has rejected a letter of confirmation of residence, please send the rejection letter and a covering letter to
    HMRC BX9 1AS. 

    We can then refer the matter to our specialist team, who can liaise with the other authority.

    Thank you.
  • RE: BNO

    Savings are not classed as income and are not subject to tax. 

    Any interest, arising from those savings, is classed as income and is taxable. 

    There would be no tax liability in transferring savings from a HK bank to a UK bank.

    Any interest transferred would be taxable.

    Thank you.