HMRC Admin 18 Response
RE: State Pension and Self Assessment
Hi n Sal,
It could be that you have included a space at the beginning or end of the figure which would give an error massage. If not then you will need to contact HMRC to review:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
RE: Which The Deadline of submitting paper form should be accurate?
To confirm the filing date we will need to access your record. You can contact HMRC at:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
RE: Tax & Savings Interest -- what is the maximum interest from savings BEFORE needing to pay tax?
As the income is below the personal allowance she would be entitled to the starting rate for savings £5000 and the personal savings allowance £1000. See link below:
Tax on savings interest
Thank you. -
RE: Adjusted Net Income and Relocation Expenses
For adjusted net income it would be the taxable benefit in kind included in your P11d received from your employer.
Thank you. -
RE: Calculation of adjusted net income - conflicting guidance
If the contributions are taken from your gross wage before the tax is calculated then you would not deduct again for the adjusted net income.
Thank you. -
RE: Calculating Adjusted Net Income with Rent a Room Relieft
Hi, It would be the net profit from your rental income. Details on adjusted net income at:
Personal Allowances: adjusted net income
Thank you. -
RE: Part time second job tax
Hi Sam,
For assistance you will need to contact our National Insurance department at:
National Insurance: general enquiries
Thank you.
RE: Paying self assessment tax bill through my tax code
Hi, To check that the balance is going to be collected in your 2025/26 tax code we will need to access your record. You can contact HMRC at:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
RE: Maximum Savings Interest before I need to pay tax
Hi, Your wife's tax-free lump sum of £2,750 would not be included in the calculation for her overall income for the year, so she would have £1,820 of Personal Allowance remaining to add to the Personal Savings Allowance of £1000 and Starting Rate for Savings of £5000 available to her. As such, she can £7,820 in interest, tax free.
Thank you. -
RE: Shared tax
Hi, When you file your Self Assessment return, you will include your pay and tax from this and any other part time job. If you are then calculated as having overpaid tax, you can claim this overpayment through your Personal Tax Account.
Thank you.