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  • BLT Property - Estate Agent Fees

    Hello HMRC Team
    Please can you confirm the listed services and costs charged by estate agent is claimable as expenses, and can be claimed in SA tax returns, Can you provide guidance on what section (box number) on the form the cost are submitted against.
    1) Advertise property on websites and other platforms
    2) Finders fee for finding a new tenant and undertaking relevant background checks / obtain references etc
    3) Cost of performing a property condition inventory
    4) Monthly management charges in collecting the rent from tenant, and acting as point of contact for tenant to report any repairs that may require attention etc
  • RE: Voluntary charity Expense Costs

    WarningThis post is currently being moderated and will be visible when it has been approved by a HMRC moderator.
  • Voluntary charity Expense Costs

    Hi In my SA please can you advise if I can claim back expenses incurred in helping out a registered charity organisation. I shall be travelling aboard to undertake voluntary work for the charity. Volunteers have been told they have to fund their own expenses eg. flights, accommodation and any other costs that are incurred relating to the volunteering. Kindly confirm which, if any, of these costs are claimable in the self assessment. Please can you advise which section of the SA these costs are captured against. Thanks
  • Cost of re-mortgaging BLT property - Are these claimable from SA submission

    Hi HMRC Team, Fixed term Buy-To-Let mortgage deal ended during SA period April 22 - April 23. Can the cost to re-mortgage the BTL loan to a new fixed term rate deal be claimed back in the SA submission for April 23. The costs incurred: * Mortgage broker consultancy fees to obtain new loan * Mortgage lender fees for providing the new mortgage product (paid upfront, and not added to the loan amount) 1) Are the above costs 100% claimable, or only a percentage of the cost (if, so what percentage is allowed). 2) Please advise what section/box in the on-line SA form these costs should be captured/claimed against. Thanks
  • RE: Tenants on Common - Rental Income

    Thank you for the guideance on how to complete the SA for each person based on how the rental income allocation is agreed to be split between the owners. And sharing the PIM1030 document for additional reference. I have a follow-up question, (as I'm not very clear in reading the document). If the current income allocation split submitted in the previous SA changes, to a different percentage in future, for example if it changes from 25/75 to 50/50, or 0/100 or any other percentage split in future years, which owners decide and agree between themselves based on their circumstances at given period in time. Does the above guideance from HMRC still apply (for property owned as tenants in common) without any need to submit or complete any other type of paper work or forms etc.
  • RE: BLT - Property Expenses

    Thanks for reviewing and providing the clarification. I have a follow-up question, is the cost of materials disposal claimable (old carpet/flooring/empty paint pots, other items left behind by previous tenant etc) via a skip hire, what section of the SA can this cost be claimed against. Thanks
  • Rental Income Co-Owned Property

    Hi I own a rental property with my sister in law, we both equally own the property 50/50 as tenants in common, and are both UK tax payers. The rental income generated is received by my sister-in-law (and not shared or transferred to me), from this she pays for the property maintenance cost, and keeps any remaining funds to boost her income (as she is on a lower wage/salary to me). The rental agreement has both our names on the paper work, as there is still outstanding mortgage on the property. She records all the income and expense generated from the rental property in her SA, Do I need to declare, or pay any tax on the property rental income, and complete a SA, if I don't receive any funds, even though legally I own the property jointly with her, and have my name on the tenancy agreement.
  • BLT - Property Expenses

    Hi I have a BLT property which was vacated by previous tenant, can the following expenses be claimed back as part of SA tax returns 1) Professional cost to paint entire house 2) Cost of Council tax whilst the property was empty 3) Cost to replace the flooring/carpet in house due to previously carpet being too worn (and damaged) for professional steam cleaning 4) Purchase of power tools to carry out minor repairs, (as DIY repairs), instead of paying high fees to professional trades person for certain aspects of the property maintenance repairs Assuming the above are deductible expenses, what would each of the above expenses fall under in terms of categories in the SA form. Thanks
  • Tenants on Common - Rental Income

    Hello HMRC Income from Property Team I have a property purchased as tenants in common from a "ownership" point of view. The property is owned with a family member (which is not husband/wife relationship). However the rental income is split 25% and 75% respectively, can you provide guidance on how this is reflected in self assessment tax returns. Thanks