HMRC Admin 34 Response
RE: Foreign Cash Gift
There are no tax implications on the receipt of a cash gift unless they generate interest or dividends.
These would then potentially be subject to tax.
Further guidance can be found here:
Tax on savings interest
Tax on dividends
Thank you -
RE: Declaring savings interest over £1000
Hi Shades of Blue,
Your banks and building societies will automatically inform HMRC of any untaxed interest received after the end of the tax year.
If you earn interest over your allowance but under £10,000 and are employed or receive a pension, HMRC will change your tax code so you pay the automatically.
The code for the current year will be based on how much interest you had in the previous year.
Further information can be found here:
Tax on savings interest
Thank you -
RE: U1 Form
You can find out when you can expect to receive a reply from HMRC here:
Check when you can expect a reply from HMRC
Thank you -
RE: Notice of Penalty for self-assessment but Tax was paid on time!!
RE: Crypto tax
RE: Notice of Penalty for self-assessment but Tax was paid on time!!
Sorry, we cannot access individual cases on this forum. Please refer to guidance at:
Appeal a Self Assessment penalty for late filing or late payment
If you would like to file a complaint about the service you have recieved, you can do so here:
Complain about HMRC
Thank you -
RE: Additional Payments Appear in Forecast
You can find out when you can expect to receive a reply from HMRC here:
Check when you can expect a reply from HMRC
Thank you -
RE: Incorrect address - HMRC changed this without my knowledge into an address I am unconnected to
Please contact HMRC online support for assistance:
Technical support with HMRC online services
Thank you -
RE: Put nominee's name wrong
RE: Applying for a UTR number
You'll automatically be sent a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) when you: Thank you