RE: How to claim back (emergency) tax from pension lump sum as non-uk (german) resident?
I am resident in Spain, I have recently taken a pension as a Lump sum and I am in the process of "reclaiming the emergency tax deducted.. from a "lump sum" The "refund would come from the pension company or from yourselves? I have other pensions from the same company -
RE: Emergency Tax Rebate from private pension drawdown - P50Z or P55 ?
I am Resident in Spain over 20 years and I am thinking of taking a private pension Would they automatically apply emergency tax to the amount before giving it to me? -
RE: NI back pay (living abroad)
Thank you Sharon -
RE: Impossible to talk to someone regarding to NI voluntary contributions.
Hi Can you please confirm what dates you are currently working on for Class 2 voluntary national contribution. (From Spain) Thanks I have tried the application "check when" but not sure what option -
RE: NI back pay (living abroad)
Can you please confirm what dates you are currently working on for the application of class 2 voluntary national contributions received from Spain. I have checked websiste "check when expect a reply" but not sure what option to choose. Thanks Sharon -
RE: When I check progress, I don't see 'CF83' listed, but do see 'online' as received
Can you please confirm what dates you are currently working on for the application of class 2 voluntary national contributions received from Spain. I have checked websiste "check when expect a reply" but not sure what option to choose. Thanks Sharon -
RE: Impossible to talk to someone regarding to NI voluntary contributions.
Many thanks for your comments I have already sent in the form CF83 to apply for class 2 voluntary contributions and I am waiting for a reply. (Sent application in March 2023 In order to apply for 2022/2023 (I am a part year worker) liviing /working abroad. c) Can I now send in another form CF83 or do I need to wait? Thanks -
RE: Impossible to talk to someone regarding to NI voluntary contributions.
Hi I would like to find out how to apply for voluntary national insurance contributions,(class 2) for the current tax year. Would I need to complete a new form dated 06.04.2023 and supply details of work during this year? Would I need to repeat the same process every year? Thanks