RE: CF83 status COMPLETED - What next?
I completed my CF83 in March 2023 and I have just received a reply, and I have been given permission to pay class 2 national insurance contributions, however when I check my "national insurance" on line under the gateway the system has not been updated has it shows "Class 3" . When Will this be updated? Thanks Sharon -
RE: Mechanism for paying class 2 NI contributions from abroad
I do not have an English bank account due to Brexit rules so can you please confirm if it possible to pay using a sterling cheque provided by my mum y if do what details I need to provide -
RE: Impossible to talk to someone regarding to NI voluntary contributions.
Hi I originally completed the form CF138 in March 2023, however I completed the form incorrectly as I understood that I could only pay national insurance voluntary contributions from 2006 to 2016 and therefore only provided employment during this time. (Applied for Class 2 ) The (March form) has now been completed and I would like to apply for the periods after this date and ask for permission to pay future periods Class 2 as I am a Teacher working in Spain Can you please clarify if the The correct procedure would be complete a new from stating the periods i.e. (2016 to present) I would like to apply and provide employment details for these new dates? Post a reply -
RE: Mechanism for paying class 2 NI contributions from abroad
I do not have an English bank account due to Brexit rules so can you please confirm if it possible to pay using a sterling cheque provided by my mum y if do what details I need to provide -
RE: How to claim back (emergency) tax from pension lump sum as non-uk (german) resident?
Hi Can you please confirm what the current timetable is for "refunding" emergency tax back taken at source from a private pension (Resident Spain) Or what option to chose on the "check progress form" Thanks -
RE: NI back pay (living abroad)
Hi I originally completed the form N138 in March 2023, however I completed the form incorrectly as I understood that I could only pay national insurance voluntary contributions from 2006 to 2016 and therefore only provided employment during this time. (Applied for Class 2 ) The (March form) has now been completed and I would like to apply for the periods after this date and ask for permission to pay future periods Class 2 as I am a Teacher working in Spain Can you please clarify if the The correct procedure would be complete a new from stating the periods i.e. (2016 to present) I would like to apply and provide employment details for these new dates? -
RE: How to claim back (emergency) tax from pension lump sum as non-uk (german) resident?
Yes it is a one off payment: Would it still be a P45 form (Resident in Spain)? -
RE: How to claim back (emergency) tax from pension lump sum as non-uk (german) resident?
Does the Pension Company send you a letter detailing the "emergency tax" deducted or do they send you a form? If form can you please provide "number" Thanks Sharon -
RE: Emergency Tax Rebate from private pension drawdown - P50Z or P55 ?
Hi When completing the form (Double taxation UK-Spain) Question 8 asks if I receive "special benefits" I am disabled and receive an additional allowance on top of my personal allowance .. (would this be "classed as special benefits) -
RE: Emergency Tax Rebate from private pension drawdown - P50Z or P55 ?
On the form Double Taxation UK-Spain there is no where to put my Spanish Bank Account. I have nobody to "norminate" to receive the payment in England. How would I receive the refund? Sharon