Robert Brodie
RE: Gaps in my NI record as a result of staying in full time education
Hi, Can I follow up this thread with a related question of my own. I reached age 16 in March 1976 (i.e in the 1975/76 tax year). I remained in full time eduction until summer 1980,at which point I commenced full-time work. As I understand it from the answers above, I should have been credited with Class 3 NICs for the tax years containing my 16th, 17th and 18th birthdays, namely 1975/76, 1976/77 and 1977/78. However, my NI record shows that I have a "full year" of credit for 1976/77 and 1977/78; nothing is shown for the 1975/76 tax year. Have I understood the position correctly and, if so, who should I contact about adding credit for the 1975/76 tax year? Kind regards