Principal place of business address of a foreign company
My company is based abroad but is VAT registered in the UK. My UK accountant registered my company for VAT in the UK in 2021, providing its UK address. Is it currently correct to have an accounting address for VAT purposes in the UK? Should I change the address on my Government Gateway account? Thank you in advance -
RE: Bulk import to the UK by a transport company
Hi, The transport company indicates its details as the importer of my goods, therefore this company also provides its EORI GB number on the customs declaration. Once goods are imported into the UK, they are distributed by couriers to end customers. Is this method correct? Thank you in advance -
Bulk import to the UK by a transport company
My company uses a transport company that performs bulk imports to the UK. This company imports from several suppliers for their UK customers. There is no information about my company on the customs declaration because the transport company provides its details and its EORI GB number. Then the transport company pays the import VAT and issues me a debit note for the VAT amount. In this case, if my company is not indicated on the customs declaration as an importer to the UK, do I have to register for VAT in the UK and also settle VAT on sales or is it enough to pay import VAT?