HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:National Insurance for Self Employed (Sole Trader) after pension age
Hi John
Liability to pay Class 2 NICs ends at the end of the week in which you reach state pension age. If you reach state pension age on 1 March 2024, your liability to pay Class 2 NICs would end on Saturday 2 March 2024.
As Class 4 NICs are assessed annually, liability to pay them ends at the end of the tax year during which you reach state pension age. Reaching state pension age on 1 March 2024 would mean the last year in which there is a liability to pay Class 4 NICs would be 2023-24.
National Insurance and tax after State Pension age
Thank you.
Re:Importing personal possessions from France
Hi Caroline,
Please speak to our international Trade Teams as below:
Contact HM Revenue & Customs
Thank you. -
Re:Self employment and rental income expenses
Hi Demelza,
Yes you can claim the trading allowance. If you opt for this, you cannot claim any other expenses for the self employment.
Thank you.