HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:VAT Registration
Re:Access codes
Hi RR Rogers,
Please contact our helpline and we will investigate this for you.
Please see below:
VAT: general enquiries.
Thank you.
Re:UK Education company VAT Calculation ? taking services of sub contractor based outside UK
Hi Shreyans Jain,
If you receive an amount of commission in the UK then this would be a Vatable supply and hence your business would account for the VAT on all of this commission.
Thank you. -
Re:Selling goods shipped from France to final customer in the UK
Hi JP,
If the goods are not coming in to the UK then your sales will be Outside the Scope of UK VAT and there will never be a requirement to register for VAT in the UK
However it is likely that because you are making supplies in the EU there will be a requirement to register for VAT in the EU.
I would recommend contacting the French authorities about your requirements to register for VAT.
Thank you. -
" Re:CGT allowable expenses
Hi BMAC81,
If the property was your main residence, then you have private residence relief to set against any gains arising from the disposal of the property. Where the property was your main residence for the whole period of ownership, then there will be no capital gains. Have a look at helpsheet HS283 (HS283 Private Residence Relief (2023)).
Where the property is disposed of at arms length, the value of the disposal is used for capital gains purposes. Where the property was not disposed of at arms length, the market value is used. Please have a look at Capital Gains Manual for guidance on how the market value is applied.
Thank you. -
Re:Tax refunds
Hi Silverswan Walsh,
If you have been overtaxed, this will be calculated after the 5th of April 2024, the end of 23/24 tax year. After your rebate is calculated, it should be available to claim via your Personal Tax Account. If the refund remains unclaimed, it will eventually be issued automatically as a cheque. To confirm if a rebate is due, contact us by webchat or post via Income Tax: general enquiries.
Thank you. -
Re:NS&I incorrectly reported interest - resubmit my tax return?
Hi Helen,
You can amend your return by logging into your Personal Tax Account, and reopening that return via the Self Assessment tile. Once you've made the necessary changes, just resubmit the return, and your calculation should update. Alternatively, contact us by post, webchat or phone via Self Assessment: general enquiries, where we can update your return as you request.
Thank you.