SF Chan
RE: US Treasury Bond Gain upon maturity (with no bond interest)
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Spilt tax year
FORM SA106 Referring to the box 3.1 more than one case of spilt year treatment arises. Criteria 4 was met as I started to have a home in the UK with my lease agreement started from September 5, 2022. Criteria 5 was met too as I started working full time in the UK from September 14, 2022. As such, I have indicated my spilt tax year started from September 5, 2022 (earliest within Criteria 4 and 5) Question 1: For BOX06, shall I enter September 5, 2022? Question 2: For BOX10, what dates should I count? Thanks -
RE: US Treasury Bond Gain upon maturity (with no bond interest)
thanks, so does that (the difference between purchase price and redemption price) treated as DIVIDEND income? What section shall I complete in SA106? -
Interest Income from overseas bank (NON UK)
I have interest Income from overseas bank (NON UK) more than 2000 pounds, my understanding is that I have to fill in SA106. May I get your advice? 1. In SA106 Page 2 F2, Income from overseas sources - shall I fill in the income in "Interest and other income from overseas saving" OR "Dividends from foreign companies"? 2. Would the interest income from overseas bank (NON UK) will be subject to tax on savings OR tax on dividend? 3. Are there different tax calculations for interest income from UK bank vs Overseas bank? -
SA106 - Interest and Dividend held in foreign countries (NON UK)
I have interest income (A) and dividend income (B) in my bank held from foreign countries (NON UK bank). 1. May I confirm if both A and B are classified as "dividends from foreign companies"? 2. If so, I shall be able to get the dividend allowance 1000 pounds and the remaining subject to dividend tax? 3. Shall I fill it both A and B amounts together under SA106 - dividends from foreign companies"? 4. Can you please advise if interest income held by non UK Bank is entitled to Personal Savings Allowance OR Dividend Allowance? -
Tax period 2022 to 2023
For the tax year 2022/23 (April 6 2022 to April 5 2023), if I have interest income on April 1, 2023, do I count it and report in the tax year 2022/23 or 2023/24? Thanks -
Mortgage Interest Expense and Interest Income
1. Can I use my mortgage interest expense to offset my interest income from my savings to report NET interest Income? OR 2. Can I use my mortgage interest expense as deductible expense for my rental income on property on mortgage? Thanks -
US Treasury Bond Gain upon maturity (with no bond interest)
For the US Treasury Bond Gain upon maturity (with no bond interest) from my foreign account via broker firm(non uk), should the gain treat as dividend or interest income?