HMRC Admin 25 Response
RE: Selling property in India and bringing proceeds to UK
Hi guynextdoor Smith,
You will need to work out if there is a Capital Gains Tax liability arising in the UK.
You will need to convert your acquisition costs to pounds sterling, using the exchange rate in operation at the time you acquired the property.
You will also need to do the same with the disposal costs, using the exchange rate in operation at the time you disposed of the property.
If the difference results in a gain, then you will need to declare the disposal of the Indian property on a Self Assessment Tax return.
The official exchange rates can be found here:
Exchange rates from HMRC in CSV and XML format
Exchange rates
If your Indian home was your main residence, then you may be able claim private residence relief (PRR).
Guidance on PRR and a calculator can be found here:
Tax when you sell your home
Thank you. -
RE: Cash gift from parents outside UK
Hi Aleksandr Belozertsev,
There are no Income Tax implications on the receipt of a cash gift unless the cash gift generates interest or dividends.
These would then potentially be subject to tax.
Further guidance can be found here:
Tax on savings interest
Tax on dividends
Thank you.
RE: Money transfer
Hi Mark Lambert,
You would not pay tax on the actual capital but would need to report any interest or dividends that this then generate.
Thank you.
RE: Foreign Pensions - Double Tax Agreements
Hi Jon Carter,
Yes, such a 'final' withdrawal would be regarded as a DTT 17.2 lump sum.
Thank you. -
HMRC Form required for Capital Gains Tax - selling French property
Hi Alan Wells,
You will need to request a certificate of residence here:
How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad
If you have not yet sold the property, we will issue a letter of confirmation of residence and if you have sold the property, we will issue a certificate of residence.
The same form is used for both.
Thank you. -
RE: Money transfer
Hi Dan Skale,
You pay Capital Gains Tax when you sell overseas property if you are resident in the UK.
However, there are special rules if you are resident in the UK but your permanent home ('domicile') is abroad.
Chapter 9 in HMRC’s guidance on ‘Residence, Domicile and the Remittance Basis’ explains the rules for bringing income or gains to the UK.
Tax when you sell property Skip to contents of guide Contents
Tax on foreign income
Guidance note for residence, domicile and the remittance basis: RDR1
Thank you.
RE: VAT registration when supplying services to UK (B2B)
Hi Corinna Lenz,
You should refer to the following link but you will only be required to register for UK VAT if your taxable supplies in the UK exceed the registration threshold.
Who should register for VAT (VAT Notice 700/1)
Thank you.
RE: Registering as a sole trader
Hi SKL111,
You have one UTR.
When you complete your Self Asessment tax return you just need to tailor your return at section 3 to show the different types of income that you receive.
Thank you, -
RE: HMRC acknowledgement of Form 17 / Declaration of Trust receipt
Hi Tomasz Ullman,
On the webchat, say that you what an adviser and you will be put through to speak to a person.
Thank you. -
RE: Specified Adult Childcare Credits
Hi Nanny8,
HMRC cannot advise on your State Pension entitlement.
If you are already in receipt of your State Pension you will need to contact the Pension Service part of the Department for Works and Pensions.
If you are not in receipt of your State Pension and the 12 weeks award improved the number of years that count towards your State Pension you can request a New State Pension forecast online at:
Check your State Pension forecast- GOV.UK (
Thank you.