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  • VAT Return dates - changes to align with Tax Year

    I would like my quarterly VAT period to align with the Tax Year. I want to set it so as the last day of one quarter is 31 March and a new quarter starts on 1 April. My 'Return Dates' were February, May, August and November. I changed these to be March, June, September and December. However I'm not clear if these months are the first or last month in a quarter. If March is the last month then I think I have set them correctly. If it is the start of a quarter I have failed! My current quarter ends on 31 January. If I have set things correctly will I have a two month 'quarter' (February and March) and then align with the Tax Year with the next quarter being April, May and June? Thanks for any help or clarification. [Yes, I understand the Tax Year starts on 6 April but the new alignment rules for self-assessment allow my business tax year to start 1 April.]