HMRC Admin 32 Response
RE: Declaring inheritance
No. This is an inheritance that you dont need to declare.
Thank you. -
RE: HMRC not answering phones, 3rd day and cannot get through to speak on their help line
We are sorry if you are having issues getting through. All our contact mehods are listed here:
Income Tax: general enquiries
Thank you. -
RE: Tax on interest on long term fixed rate bond
Hi rl11,
The legislation is at:
Taxes Management Act 1970
Taxation of the interest is described in link below and in particular 'If an individual is unable to withdraw or have access to the interest when it is credited to their account, or has a specific product such as a bond, the interest will not arise and therefore they will not be taxable until they have access to the interest.' if this applies to you then the interest should be declared when you can access it(maturity).
SAIM2400 - Interest: taxation of interest: the tax charge
Thank you. -
RE: Money transfer
Hi Pronin,
There are no Income Tax implications on the receipt of a cash gift unless the cash gift generates interest or dividends. These would then potentially be subject to tax.
Further guidance can be found here:
Tax on savings interest
Tax on dividends
Thank you. -
RE: Applying Digital Nomad Scheme but still PAYE employee
A social security certificate may be something that can be obtained from the Contributions Agency
Phone: 0300 200 3500.
Text Relay: 18001 0300 200 3500 (Text Relay).
Overseas: +44 191 203 7010.
Open Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
It is not a tax certificate, so not something we could issue.
If you are leaving the UK, you should submit a P85
Get your Income Tax right if you're leaving the UK
Thank you. -
RE: Am I eligible for the Marriage Allowance?
You will be able to make a claim for Marriage Allowance.
Thank you. -
RE: State Pension and Self Assessment
Hi Gary Coombs,
That is correct the entitlement figure is used rather than the actual amount received during the tax year.
Thank you. -
RE: Transfer of Swiss Pension
For free and impartial advice about the possible complications /implications of transferring your Swiss pension pot to a UK pension provider, HMRC recommends that you contact MoneyHelper.
Transferring your pension
Money Helper: Moving a UK pension overseas or moving an overseas pension to the UK
Thank you. -
RE: Paid Voluntary NI contributions - How long is updating of the online NI records taking?
Hi Robin Gillies,
Your payment can be allocated during a phone call if the correct amount has been paid. If the amount you paid was not correct, details will need to be referred to a caseworker to allocate and current timescales show that this may take 23 weeks.
You can contact our National Insurance team on 0300 200 3500 and ask for your payment to be allocated, however please note that our lines are extremely busy at present.
Thank you.
RE: State Pension Contributions Living Abroad
Hi Orchard Exile,
Your CF83 application will be honoured from the date it was received by HMRC. So, if it was received prior to 05 April 2023 and you have ticked the box to request a shortfall of National Insurance contribution for previous years, tax years 2006-2007 to 2016-2017 will still be quoted on your shortfall (if you are eligible to pay them) regardless of when it is processed by HMRC.
There is nowhere on the form for you to state which shortfall years you want to pay as HMRC would quote all years that are available for you to pay, then you would contact the Pension Service to confirm if paying for any of the years quoted will increase your pension. This information will be sent to you once your application is processed.
Thank you.