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  • RE: Zero Rate VAT for demolition and rebuild of Village Hall ?

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  • Zero Rate VAT for demolition and rebuild of Village Hall ?

    As a committee member of our Village Hall Association (a Registered Charity) I am seeking clarification as to whether we qualify for a Zero rate certificate for the proposed new Pavilion in our village.
    There is an existing structure that has been in place for over 30 years that we intend to completely demolish and then rebuild on the same site.
    The Pavilion is currently, and will remain, a multi-use community space that is never used for business purposes.
    As far as I have read, it seems clear that we would qualify for 0% VAT on the construction of the new Pavilion ?
    We are being “recommended” to “invest” over £3500 in a Consultancy firm to “advise us” as to the right path on this.
    I feel loathed to do this as we can put that money to much better use in our Community, but at the same time, don’t want to be totally complacent about this matter.
    Your advice would be most gratefully received.
    Thank you