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  • RE: Help with S041 gaps

    Hi Renato. Can I ask there was any resolution to your case and Niki? We have a similar case. Me and my husband and our sons (two boys above 18). We are Hungarian family. We have living in Scotland for five and a half years from March 2019. The matter in hand is that both of us (me and boys, so three of us) have debt letters from Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration. In 2022-23 both of boys did a statement with forms (NEU 70) to National Health Insurance Fund with his NI numbers. We got a feedback from NHIF that is ok, and they suspended Hungarian NI numbers (TAJ numbers).Was no debt letters from Tax Administration still. After that at the and of 2024. both boys and me have debt letters. (2 months and 5 months demanding payments for boys). We both have been granted settled status in 2024. More than one years the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration began to send debt letter first of all my older boy, than my younger boy and I am the third person who got debt letter. They suddenly put us back into their system, like we would live in Hungary. I don't know why? I reported my NI number online to Tax and Customs Administration and National Health Insurance Fund NEAK-OEP) because that was suspicious and weird for me. I have an email which is inform me my NI number is not acceptable in this case. NI numbers not enough for cover my last six years so single numbers unacceptable in this case. Means I was absent from the register, which is why I was required to pay health insurance contributions plus pension contributions for the last six years. They working on it and I still waiting answers from National Health Insurance Fund. That is all. Thank you!