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  • Cannot Receive UK VAT Number Confirmation Letter Despite Approval on 19/09/2024

    Hello, I am seeking urgent assistance regarding my UK VAT registration. My VAT registration was approved by HMRC on 19th September 2024, and I have received confirmation via email. However, despite HMRC reissuing the VAT registration letter five times, I have not received any of the letters containing my VAT Registration Number (VRN). This issue is having a severe impact on my business, as Amazon suspended our seller privileges in early December 2024 due to VAT compliance default. They have now given us 40 days to provide the VRN, but it seems impossible to resolve this without receiving the letter from HMRC. I have already: Ensured my business address is correct and matches my Companies House registration. Repeatedly followed up with HMRC to request reissuance of the letter. 5 letters in total as been resent and not one arrived at destination. Tried every available means to obtain the VAT number, including checking the online portal, but there is no way to retrieve it there. Could anyone advise on: - Whether it is possible to obtain the VAT number via email, secure message, or phone? - How to escalate this issue within HMRC to resolve it quickly as this matter as a critical impact on our small business? - Any alternative steps to retrieve my VAT number? I just need the number of our VAT to enter it to our Amazon Seller account to reactivate our selling privilege. This is an urgent matter, as further delays may result in permanent suspension of my business on Amazon UK Marketplace. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help! Kind regards, Gauthier Our 

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