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  • RE: NI Contribution Record for 2023-24

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  • When will NI information for 2023/2024 be available so I can

    I want to pay voluntary contribution for 2023/2024 as I have done every year for the past 10 - but it still showing as "your record for this year is not available" Im now claiming my pension and this is affecting how much I get - Ive called the help line and they cannot/will not say. When will this information be available ?
  • RE: NI Contribution Record for 2023-24

    Hi Im currently receiving my pension, and are in the same position as the others, my pension is about £10 a week less than the forecast stated if I paid the 2023/2024 contribution - so I really want to get this sorted - I was self employed but have not worked for 3 years so have no P45/P60 or whatever, I have called the NI helpline who were of no use - stating it would be available in October and to contact HMRC !! You mentioned to YDboy to write to HMRC and it would be sorted, but in another thread posted recently is states they are 42 weeks behind with paper mail !!!