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This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

  • Procedure 42

    WarningThis post is currently being moderated and will be visible when it has been approved by a HMRC moderator.
  • MSS Reporting

    Is anyone experiencing problems with full information being supplied on the MSS reports supplied via the CDS system
  • Bills of Discharge under IP

    Is there a link to manage our Bills of Discharge under Inward Processing to complete through our Government Gaetway account on-line using the CDS version
  • RE: Zero Rating a commercial invoice

    Many thanks for your asistance
  • Zero Rate Invoice

    Our Chinese manufacturer is supplying the goods directly to our Italian Customer. As a business based in the UK can we zero rate our invoice to our Italian customer for the goods being supplied and how does this work with evidence.
  • Zero Rating a commercial invoice

    Our Chinese manufacturer is supplying the goods directly to our Italian Customer. As a business based in the UK can we zero rate our invoice to our Italian customer for the goods being supplied and how does this work with evidence.