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  • RE: VAT Cheque cancelled by HMRC

    Clearly the name of the VAT registered business is not the same as the bank details you gave (missed off the "Wiltshire"). The bank account name must match the name of the VAT registered business (excluding special characters of course). You should be able to go back into your government gateway and add correct bank details - exclude the brackets but leave in Wiltshire - in terms of the cancelled cheque, once the bank details have been updated via your gateway (give it a day or two), you can then contact HMRC general VAT helpline and ask them to reissue the refund to the bank details showing on your government gateway. Monzo are able to receive refunds from HMRC, so not sure why you would want HMRC to reissue you with another cheque, but if you still prefer a cheque, then you call the general VAT helpline and request the cheque be re-issued.
  • RE: Vat owed.

    You have to submit VAT returns every quarter (every 3 months), your quarters will have been explained to you on your VAT certificate/correspondance from HMRC when you were issued with your VAT number. Even if you have not made any sales, then you should still submit a VAT return, albeit a Nil return (or more likely a VAT return showing Nil sales but £x of purchases of which you want to reclaim input tax on). If you are using Xero then you should ensure your Xero software has your VAT registration number, registration date and connected up to HMRC gateway for MTD purposes, that way, Xero will then remind you when the returns are due. Once you file your VAT return, any estimated assessment/VAT bill that HMRC has issued will be cancelled, but you will have incurred 1 penalty point for not filing your VAT return on time, once you reach 4 penalty points there is a £200 fixed penalty, so please ensure you are filing VAT returns in future to avoid this penalty.
  • RE: VAT on commercial property purchase

    Short answer, company Y cannot reclaim the VAT unless i) company Y registers for VAT and ii) company Y "opts to tax" the property and iii) rents the property to company X at commercial/market value rents. Opting to tax is irrevocable for 20 years and will mean any future rents or sale will be subject to VAT. Opting to tax requires a specific formal process of notification to HMRC, which can be done at same time as when registering company Y for VAT. In addition, because company X and Y are connected persons (same ownership) and because the value of the purchase is over £250k, then there are anti-avoidance rules that apply where the tenant occupying the property is an exempt or partially exempt business. You don't state what company X does/sells but a business if company X is not registered for VAT but able to lend £500k to company Y, then it suggests company X is an exempt or partially exempt business (but there could be other reasons why company X is not registered for VAT). Opting to tax land and buildings (VAT Notice 742A) explains the option to tax rules and section 13 deals with the anti-avoidance rules. VATVAL07300 explains the rules where a VAT registered seller (company y) makes sales to a connected person (company x) who is not VAT registered and where market value rules apply.
  • RE: VAT tax return misunderstanding

    VAT returns are not the same as self-assessment/self employment returns. Sounds like you filed your personal/self assessment tax return for the period you were self-employed, but didn't file a VAT return for that same period. If you tell HMRC you are no longer self-employed, that only deals with the self-employment part, you would still be VAT registered until you formally deregister for VAT. On your government gateway, you should go to "Add services" and then "add" the VAT service to your gateway and then the VAT returns that is outstanding should reveal itself, you can then file a Nil VAT return, but you may need to use MTD software in order to do so (ie, you can't file the VAT return via the government gateway), you can also deregister for VAT from the gateway but only once there are no outstanding VAT returns. The £18 owed for VAT is an estimate, HMRC will guess how much you owe them, if you owe nothing because you've ceased to trade, then once a Nil VAT return is filed then the £18 will disappear and be replaced with nothing due/nothing owed. Maybe call/contact the General VAT helpline for more assistance VAT: general enquiries
  • RE: Awaiting Refund from an organisation not registered for VAT

    Care to explain what a SAT is? Presumably you are a state funded school (Academy or Multi Academy) and reclaiming input tax via VAT126 form (section 33 rules)? If so, there is no direct dial for that (VAT126) team, so you just call the general Helpline on 03002003700 and then ask to be transferred to the VAT126 team.
  • RE: Query Regarding VAT Invoices for Business Expenses - Employer Requesting Re-Issued Invoices

    You could just put an expense claim form to your employer, employer will the reimburse you the full cost of the purchases made and the employer has effectively bought the goods from you and the employer can then reclaim the VAT....but the employee/you must be reimbursed. You can't change the details on the invoice because you legally bought the goods from Amazon, you are asking Amazon to put someone elses name on that invoice, why would they do that? You do not want to get into the habit of editing legal documents, because that would be dishonest wouldn't it?
  • RE: do Academies have to charge VAT for sport hall hire from the 1st of January 2025?

    It is possible that the Academy has chosen to "opt to tax" their sports fields and sports hall and that then removes any sporting exemption that may have existed previously. Opting to tax means the rent of any property (building, field, pitch) is subject to VAT and any exemption is lost. Opting to tax is often seen where the business is about to undergo significant capital expenditure (such as a new pitch or flood lighting). I'm not aware of any specific rule changes relating to Academies from 01st December 2024 (or 2025), Academies are usually state funded organisations and fall outside of the private school VAT rules that are coming in from January 2025. If you think the Academy is wrong then not much HMRC can do, as this seems like a contractual dispute between customer and supplier. Until you get to the bottom of the reason for this change. I would suggest going back to the Academy and asking them to point you in the direction of this legislative change or at the very least ask them to explain in more detail as to what the changes are.
  • RE: VRN Certificate Not Received After 60 Days – Need Assistance

    It is not clear from your post, have you got your VAT number but you are wanting a hardcopy of the VAT certificate or do you not know your VAT number and do not have a hardcopy VAT certificate either? The issue seems to be with the postal address in Dubai. Are you sure it is capable of receiving post and if it is, are there are any reasons why post is not being passed onto you? HMRC do not give VAT numbers over the telephone, HMRC will always send the VAT certificate in the post as this "confirms" the address is genuine, these methods are part of HMRC's security tests. so HMRC are unlikely to bypass these security tests by sending you an email with your VAT number on. If you do know your VAT number (but not got a VAT certificate), you can access the VAT certificate via your government gateway/portal, you will have set this gateway up when registering for VAT and you need the gateway in order to file VAT returns, but if you don't have your VAT number at all, then you can't use the gateway to access your VAT certificate. Not sure what else HMRC can do here, for one letter to be lost in the post in unfortunate, to lose two letters indicates either bad luck or something wrong with the postal address.
  • RE: Claiming back EU VAT on my UK VAT Return

    You cannot reclaim foreign VAT on a UK VAT return. You can make a claim directly with the Norway tax office,  If you reclaim foreign VAT on a UK VAT return, there will be a tax loss to HMRC, the Norway VAT you were charged by Norway supplier, that is paid over to Norway axman and that is not passed over to HMRC, Norway taxman keeps it, so if you reclaim this on UK VAT return, there will be a loss to HMRC and HMRC can assess penalties on you for doing this.

    [Link removed - Admin]
  • RE: How to Check or Apply for PVA for My New EORI Number

    Go to this weblink 
    Get your postponed import VAT statement
    Scroll down the page and click the green button.
    You then need to log into your government gateway.
    Then follow the onscreen instructions, if you already have an EORI then the screen will prompt you to register for CDS (Customs Declaration Service), you will be asked for a few details about the business.
    Assuming you answer the questions correctly, then your request to register for CDS will be accepted or denied there and then on the screen.
    Assuming you are accepted, the screen will confirm you are registered for CDS and then wait about 1-2 hours. Then go back to the link above, log into your gateway again and this should then show you a new set of menus and shows you your postponed VAT section, etc.
    The freight agent needs your EORI number tom postpone the import VAT, you need to enrol for the CDS so that you can access and download your postponed VAT statements.
    NOTE - You must login to your gateway using the above link. This link is the ONLY way to see you postponed VAT statements. if you log into your gateway using the normal link HMRC online services: sign in or set up an account: Sign in to HMRC online services
    then you only see your VAT return information, you must use the postponed VAT link to get to your postponed VAT statements.

    (Hyperlinks created by Admin)