FHL expenses?
I understand I can claim for the following for my FHL - curtains, welcome booklet & cleaning supplies. Do all of these form part of my allowable expenses or are they claimed in a different way? FYI it's for my first year of FHL 2023-24. -
Pension payments for FHL income
I assume any payments I make to a private pension from FHL income are declared in the 'tax reliefs' section on SA100. Do I need to declare the payments anywhere else? And could you please confirm if my understanding of how tax relief is received, is correct: I pay 20% & 40% tax where it applies to my FHL income My pension provider claims 20% on any contributions (I have confirmed this with them) Any additional tax relief due from pension payments is calculated by HMRC from declarations on my SA forms. Note: I have a PAYE employment income of around £40,000, combined with the FHL income I will earn above £50,271. My work place pension is net pay and minimum contributions.