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Posted Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:06:52 GMT by Gary
Good afternoon I have recently received a letter from HMRC suggesting I check to see if I am liable for the HICBC. This is the first time I have ever heard of or received correspondence from HMRC regarding this topic. I also wasn't aware that we were still receiving child benefit as my wife applied for it before we were married, our boys are now 15 & 13, and it gets paid into her account. When I check the child benefit section of my HMRC account there is no record. I was always under the impression that child benefit payments automatically stopped when a household income exceeded £50k. Anyway, I have completed a self-assessment as suggested (first time I have ever done this as have always been PAYE) and it turns out I have to pay back over £2k for this HICB charge. And alongside this I have also asked my wife to cease receiving the CB payments as I don't want to be in this position again. But the main reason for my post (other than to release my frustrations) is to ask if there is any way to challenge this charge? I cannot afford to pay back this charge AND my wife lose the monthly CB payments. I also can't understand why HMRC are not proactive with people, helping them to realise they may be liable for this payback by notifying them the moment they notice their salary is looking to exceed the salary limit, instead of letting them get into arrears without any knowledge of what's waiting for them down the line.
Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2024 14:55:21 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
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Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:27:52 GMT by Clive Smaldon
Not HMRC...threshold was £50k - £60k, now £60k - £80k. Therefore, if your income for current year/going forward is less than £60k you should restart the child benefit as you will keep all of it, and if more than £60k but less than £80k you will keep some of it. If more than £80k then stopping it will stop repayment of the benefit being necessary. There has been a LOT in the press about HICBC over the last 5 years with people in your position. HMRC were "pulled up" for lack of initial pre advising re this, but have since made efforts to correct that, which means those now challenging are likely to be less successful. Dependent on circumstances you may be successful challenging, whether the charge, or penalites or interest, or you may not. Some cases have gone to appeals courts and succeeded, the majority have failed. Each case is different. The tried and tested situation is "it is the taxpayers responsibility to notify HMRC when liable" stands, regardless of how complicated a situation is...which I know, is somewhat unhelpful

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