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Posted Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:56:20 GMT by
HI, Urgently looking for help trying to resolve. HMRC believes an employee has an end date of 31/03/2023 but they never left. The employee has never been flagged as a leaver, the employee has been included within all RTI submissions this year and can be seen in the file, however HMRC does not see the values of this employee. We spoke to Employers helpline, who said that the employee would need to speak to the employees helpline to amend, and they should see the rti submissions but would simply not be allocated to their account and they should be able to remove the end date. So have spent almost 2 hours on the phone with EE & ER helpline ,the relevant employee, myself the company FD and our payroll processor trying to explain the situation. The "EE" helpline said they couldn't change it and transferred us over to the Employer who would have to help us, they then said that it would have to be someone in employee but could dispute the employer charge (this doesnt not solve the issue for the employee), after being transferred back to the "EE" helpline who said they couldnt remove the end date. Suggestions for our payroll to remove it is not an option, as the employee never left so we cant "reinstate" him as he is already on it. The solution i imagine is that we need escalation to a technician who can look into the RTI submissions to resolve this, please can anyone help? As this has been happening since April and is impacting the employee.
Posted Tue, 24 Oct 2023 06:54:23 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
Please call the Employer Helpline on 0300 200 3200 to discuss further.
Thank you.
Posted Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:43:25 GMT by
But we have done so already which I explained in the post, they couldn't suggest anything, is there anything I should say that can get this escalated? Otherwise we just hit a brickwall as the person on the phone doesn't have access/ability to make changes
Posted Mon, 30 Oct 2023 12:48:42 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
Your employee will need to contact Personal Tax on 0300 200 3300 to discuss updating their personal record.
Thank you.
Posted Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:01:58 GMT by
Was this an isolated incident with just one employee? We've got the same, but it is affecting more people and HMRC are not providing us with any information. We've contacted them a number of times, both on the Employers and Employee Helpline, and also contacted our CCM, but still no closer to a resolution. No-one is able to advise us on how many people they are showing as missing, so feel like we're going round in circles. Have you got any further with this?
Posted Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:18:09 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi AlisonCollins2108,
Please contact us on 0300 200 3200 to discuss your case in more detail as we are unable to access your records to investigate on this forum.
Thank you. 
Posted Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:30:16 GMT by FergusNeilson
We have got exactly the same issue for multiple employees over different employers. One employee rang up HMRC to ask why they were marked as a leaver at 5 April 2023. HMRC said they received P45s rather than P60s. This is not possible as no P45 was ever issued for the employees. I have check all the RTIs submitted and no leaving date or P45 information was ever entered for any of the employees showing as leavers. The employee was told by HMRC that they will transfer the issue to a specialist department who will reinstate the employee with the employer and hopefully all the payment information for the whole of this tax year will appear on their personal tax portal., It is currently not pulling through despite being on the RTIs submitted. It seems this is a bigger problem than we are aware of, as clearly this is impacting lots of employees who might not even be aware of the problem.
Posted Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:58:16 GMT by John Rogers
Hi I'm having something similar. I started my new job with my current employer (main employer) on the 15th of January this year. I then manaeg to secure a flexible 0 hours contract in Feb with a second employer and the same contract again but with a thirs employer in March. In total I have 3 jobs. My main employer (first/January) says my employment has ended 5th of April. Why is it saying that? Everything is fine with my employer and the weird thing is it doesn't say employment ended with my other 2 recent jobs. Can some one help as I don't want to be bombarded with crazy tax and be utterly left with nothing
Posted Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:14:15 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Please contact Personal Tax on 0300 200 3300 to discuss your employments
held on your personal record with HMRC.

Thank you .
Posted Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:07:38 GMT by Shaun Puttock
We are also aware of a number of cases exactly the same as above. The HMRC are refusing to acknowledge there is an issue, and keep blaming the payroll FPS returns. 2 employees I know have been told that end date was put on the P14 & P60 that was submitting for the 2022/23 tax year, this was by the HMRC employee helpline!
Posted Tue, 09 Apr 2024 12:32:36 GMT by JR112 Rudkin
Having exactly the same issue here. We have about 37 employees and all (apart from one) have been marked as leavers to HMRC. This has meant that staff in receipt of Universal Credit are being called in for return to work interviews, tax code notices are wrong and the employer tax we pay (around £15k per month) is sat in an account with HMRC not being attributed to anyone because they think we don't have any employees! I have spent hours on the phone (on hold) to the employee, employer and online services helpdesk with HMRC. Each one is saying to call the other, they have blamed our Payroll provider - we are the only employer who has been affected by this with our Payroll provider so it is highly unlikely to be them. This smacks of a similar issue to the software problem of the Post Office scandal. Furthermore, it has taken me weeks to try and register for the forum since the 'captcha' box is greyed out and you cannot register (for once it has worked today!). You can't even report a problem with the page because then another error message comes up. HMRC - sort your problems out and recognise that you have an issue. Most of us are working hard and can't afford to spend hours on the phone trying to resolve a problem that appears to be caused by HMRC.
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:15:23 GMT by HMRC Admin 2 Response

We are sorry for the issues you are having, however we need to access your account.

Please contact the employers team so we can investigate and provide further advice.

Employers: general enquiries

Thank you.
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:33:10 GMT by Shaun Puttock
Thank you for the update HMRC. Do you read the comments? We have spoken to the helplines and they keep passing it back saying it is an Employer issue. When clearly it isn't.
Posted Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:22:28 GMT by Gemma1887
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